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Table of Contents

\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions

Section 1.1: Fonts

Google Docs gives you 25 different fonts to use. Many of these fonts are accessible but some are not.

How to choose a font:

  1. Go to the Main Tool Bar.

    The Main Tool Bar in Google Docs
  2. In the Font section, click the font drop down box.

    The font dropdown box with Arial selected as the font.
  3. Choose the font you would like.

    The font dropdown box with Times New Roman selected as the font.

When using fonts, you want to use fonts that are easily readable and not distracting or fancy. Fonts like Times New Roman, Verdana and Georgia are examples of good fonts to use. It is not recommended to use fonts like Pacifico, Caveat, or Amatic SC.

A list of harder to read fonts like caveat, pacifico, lobster, amatic sc, and comfortaa.

While these fonts look more interesting, they are very hard to read for some users.

A list of easier to read fonts like Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial, Georgia, and Trebuchet MS

These fonts are much easier for people to read.

Section 1.2: Font Size

To keep things simple and easy to read, make sure the font is over 12 points in size.

To change your font size,

  1. Go to the Main Tool Bar.

    The Main Tool Bar in Google Docs
  2. Select the font size button and select the font size you want.

    The font size box with the size set to 12. There is a plus button on the right to make it bigger and a minus button on the left to make it smaller

Section 1.3: Color Contrast

When typing in text you want to consider the color contrast between the text and the background. For small text (under size 18), a good contrast ratio to aim for is 4.5:1 or higher. For bigger text (over size 18) a good contrast ratio is 3:1 or higher. Black text on a white background or 21:1 is the highest and best ratio you could have.

To change the color of your font,

  1. Go to the Main Tool Bar.

    The Main Tool Bar in Google Docs
  2. Select the text color button and select a color you want from the grid.

    Text Color Button in Google Docs. Looks like an A with a black line underneath.
  3. To see if your color provides a strong color contrast ratio, use the Adobe Color Contrast Analyzer. If you can get all of your previews to pass, then you can use that font color.

    Adobe Color Contrast Analyzer with a 21 to 1 contrast ratio and all three previews passed.
Text in two different sizes colored light blue and yellow.

The text examples have a very low color contrast ratio of 1.25:1 and 1.07:1, which is well below the standard.

Text examples colored dark blue and brown.

The text examples have a color contrast ratio that is over 4.5:1.

As you can see in the example, good color contrast makes the text easier to read for the viewer.

Section 1.4: Capitalization

Screen readers do not recognize capitalized letters, so there is no point to relying on capital letters to emphasize text.

A list of topics covered in a science test. Some of the topics are typed in all caps.

This example shows capital letters that are not needed. Screen readers will not emphasize the text even when it is in all caps.

A list of topics covered in a science test. Topics covered in the test have the word covered next to them.

This example shows a new way to show the important content. Screen readers will read the (covered) label and tell the reader that it will be on the test.


Only use capital letters to show the IMPORTANT text.

Section 1.5: Bold, Italic, Strikethrough and Underlined Text

Screen readers do not recognize text that is bold, italic, strikethrough or underlined. The text will be read as normal text. There are settings available in NVDA to make the text be read as bold, italic or underlined, but very few people change these settings. A good rule is to use bold text, italics, underlined, or strikethrough text sparingly.


This an example that is difficult to read, has way too many things bolded and italicized. The underlining also distracts readers and can make it harder to understand.


This example uses bold, italics, and underlining text sparingly. Only change the important words. This will make the content easier to read.

Section 1.6: NVDA Settings for Strikethrough Text

If you have a document that has strikethrough text, be sure you change the Document Formatting settings in NVDA. To do this,

  1. In NVDA, go to the Preference Tab, then click Document Formatting.

    NVDA Settings with Document Formatting highlighted in a red box.
  2. Select the Font Attributes check box in the pop up box. Click Apply in the bottom right corner.

    The Font Attributes box is checked and highlighted in a red box. The Apply button in the bottom right corner is also highlighted in a red box.
  3. In JAWS, you can examine the font attributes at the cursor, including whether or not there is strikethrough, by pressing INSERT + F.

Section 1.7: Highlighting

When highlighting, it is important to be sure it is not the only way to convey meaning. Screen readers will not recognize the highlighted text as highlighted text. So it will only read it as normal text. This will be confusing to someone with visual disabilities.

A list of students who made an audition have their names highlighted.

This example only highlights the text and does not provide an additional queue for a screen reader to tell the reader that the highlighted text means something.

A list of students who made an audition have their names highlighted with the word callback next to their name.

This example gives a second queue for the screen reader to read. This will help a reader understand the meaning and context behind a highlighted text.

Section 1.8: Background Colors

Background colors are fine to use, as long as they have a good contrast ratio. It is also a good idea to avoid strong background gradients or patterns. They can make the text very hard to read and are usually very distracting.

Black text on a dark brown background.

This example has a background and text that is too dark and do not have a good contrast ratio. The brown background is also very distracting to readers.

Black text on a light blue background

This example has a good color contrast ratio. It is also very easy to read and is not distracting to readers.

Black text on a dark grainy background

This example has a very distracting background and is very hard to read. The color contrast ratio is also very low.

Black text on a bright marble background

This example has a more subtle background and a good color contrast ratio. This one is much easier to read and wont overwhelm the readers.

Section 1.9: Using Color to Convey Meaning

When using color in a project to convey information, you should include a text alternative.

A list of racers that made the Olympic team with Dan Goodwins name colored red.Image RemovedA list of racers that made the Olympic team with Dan Goodwins name colored red.Image Added

This example only has color conveying meaning. If Dan was colorblind for red and green colors, how would he have known if he made the team?

A list of racers that made the Olympic team with Dan Goodwins name colored red and callback in parentheses. Image RemovedA list of racers that made the Olympic team with Dan Goodwins name colored red and callback in parentheses. Image Added

This example shows two ways to indicate that Dan made the team. The first is that his name is colored red, and there is (callback) next to his name. Now Dan can easily read the list and know he made it to the Olympic Team.

Table Example: The text alternative must mean the same thing as the color.

A table of class assignments with the status of each assignment color coded.Image RemovedA table of class assignments with the status of each assignment color coded.Image Added

In this table, only the red section is accurately labeled. Yellow and Green have no indication on what they mean for a reader who struggles to see the difference in color.

A table of class assignment status with the status labeled in their color coded box.Image RemovedA table of class assignment status with the status labeled in their color coded box.Image Added

In this table, all three sections are accurately labeled. Now all readers will be able to tell what each section means and their color.

This last example shows the importance of using multiple factors of indication in a Pie Chart.

A pie chart of the Most Popular Sports in the USA.Image RemovedA pie chart of the Most Popular Sports in the USA only one factor of indication.Image Added

In this pie chart, we only have lines to point out which sport belongs to each section. For people who have visual disabilities, they may struggle seeing the line. Another thing to note, is the percentage labels are light gray, so they have a very low color contrast ratio.

A pie chart of the Most Popular Sports in the USA with percentages in the pie slices.Image RemovedA pie chart of the Most Popular Sports in the USA with percentages in the pie slices.Image Added

In this pie chart, we have added a second percentage label inside the slices. Now the data is much easier to see.

Section 1.10: Symbols and Special Characters

You can use many different symbols and special characters. However, they must always be shown in regular text as well. This must be done so the screen readers will read the symbol properly to the reader.

To create a symbol or special character,

  1. Go to the Insert Tab.

    The Insert Tab in Google Docs
  2. Go to the Symbols section and click Symbol.

  3. A dropdown menu will appear, click more symbols to get a wider variety of symbols to choose from.

    Insert Special Characters with dozens of characters to choose from. An option to draw a symbol is to the right.

Example of using symbols…

Example of Symbols for Section 6, Page 25, Paragraph 1.

This example only shows the symbols and fails to explain to the readers what the symbols mean. Screen readers will not read the symbol without an additional queue.

Symbols for Section and Paragraph used in a sentence.

This example shows two ways to type in information and give the same outcomes for readers. You can just type it in text. Another way is to type the symbols, then type in the text in parenthesis. Both ways give readers and screen readers an easier understanding of the information provided.

Section 1.11: Acronyms

When using acronyms you want to be sure that you type out the whole name in parenthesis after giving the acronym. After you have typed in the acronym and full name, you may continue to use the acronym without typing the full name for the rest of the document. This is because the reader will now know what you are referring to.


Example: WCAG 2.1 (Web Accessibility Guidelines Version 2.1)


Bad Example: WCAG 2.1

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