Select your text and right click it. In the dropdown menu, click Hyperlink, then New Hyperlink.
The New Hyperlink box has appeared and gives you several options to choose from.
To create a link to a web URL, be sure that “Link to: URL” is selected. Then type in the full URL.
Click the Accessibility Button and type in an Alt text of 150 characters or less describing the link.
Section 6.2: Creating Text Anchors
Go to the Main Menu and click the Windows Tab. In the drop-down menu click Interactive, then Hyperlinks.
The Hyperlink Panel is now available. Now you want to select the text you want as an anchor.
Go to the Hyperlink Panel and click Options. From the menu, click New Hyperlink Destination.
Name the destination in the Name Box.
To link the text anchor, select the text you want to link, right click and choose Hyperlinks then New Hyperlink. When the box opens, click the Link To: dropdown menu. Choose the destination.
Section 6.3: Metadata