Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Section 1.1: Uploading a Video

After a video is recorded, it is important to add captions and delete any unneeded footage. Captions are very important for any video watcher. If a person is deaf, they can read the captions in the video. Captions can also help people a second way to know what is said if there is an audio problem with the headset or the video itself. To upload a video to Panopto,

  1. Find your video file on your computer.

    Windows File Explorer with a video file inside.Image Added
  2. In Panopto, click the My Folder button and create a new folder.

    The My Folder Button highlighted.Image Added
  3. Click and drag your video file into the folder.

  4. It will take Panopto a few minutes to upload and publish your video.

    Intro video uploaded into Panopto.Image Added

Section 1.2: Video Editing

Now that the video is in Panopto, it is time to edit footage into its final version. The video is usually full of rough cuts, and mistakes. By the time we are finished, we will have a much shorter version of the video without any issues. To edit the video,

  1. Click on your video file in the new folder. The video editing page will open. In the top right corner, you need to click on the Edit button.

    The edit button icon. Shaped like a film clapboard with a pen in the bottom right corner.Image Added
  2. The video editing page will change into Edit Mode, and give you several tools to work with. The most important tool is at the bottom of the page called the Timeline. It shows the full length of your video with gray lines crossing it. Those gray lines represent your audio. Take some time to listen to your video and listen to when the talking starts and stops.

    Panopto's Edit Mode Page with a timeline on the bottom of the screen.Image Added
  3. When you find footage that has no audio or actions taken, we can edit that footage out. Click and drag across the Timeline and you will see a gray bar. Once you are finished, play the video again and you will see that the footage in the gray bar is skipped. Repeat this process until all of your footage is free of bloopers.

    The video timeline with several gray boxes.Image Added

Section 1.3: Including Captions

Now that your video is cut and has what you need, we need to include captions. To add captions,

  1. Go to the top left corner and select the Captions button.

    The captions tab with the Import Captions dropdown menu open.Image Added
  2. Then click the Import Captions dropdown menu. Click Import Automatic Captions.

  3. The captions will be made for you and they will appear in-sync with your audio in the video. Go through each line and check for spelling errors or captions for footage that was cut out. You can play your video several times to check these issues. If you have a spelling error, just click on the word and edit it.

    Examples of Captions for a video.Image Added
  4. If you see captions for footage that was cut, click on the caption, click the 3 vertical dot icon and click Delete.

    Delete Caption button with an icon shaped like a trash can.Image Added
  5. You can also create your own captions by typing in text at the bottom of the caption page. Then click in the timeline where you want the caption to go and hit Enter. Where you are in the timeline is shown by a red vertical line.

    A caption typed in the caption box at the bottom of the screen.Image Added
  6. Play your video again to be sure your captions and footage work properly, then click Apply in the top right corner.

    The blue Apply button.Image Added
