Go to the Insert Tab.
Click Chart and choose your chart style. For this example, we will use a column chart.
A chart will appear with a link to Google Sheets. In Google Sheets you can manipulate the data anyway you want. After you are finished typing in your data, go to your document and click the refresh button on your chart. The new data will be visible.
To keep the chart fully accessible, make sure you have an easy to read font and a good size. Like Times New Roman Size 12, and Size 24 for the title. Also, make the title of the chart, and the data on the x and y axis visible. These edits can only be made in Google Sheets.
If you are trying to place your chart on a document full of text, be sure the chart is inline with the text. The chart cannot interfere with any of the test. We do not want it to be distracting to the readers.
Now you must add Alt Text to the chart. To do so, right click the chart and select Edit Alt Text. In the Alt Text Side Bar, explain your chart in less than 150 characters.
Finally, consider adding a long description. Long descriptions are detailed explanations that tell the reader, in lots of details, what is on a page or graph or chart. You can make a long description by text, or a link, or a table with the same data.