Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Go to the bottom right corner of the screen and click on the Display the Page at 100% Magnification.

  2. In the expansion menu, click More at the bottom to show the full list of options.

    The Display the Page at 100 percent magnification expansion menu with More at the bottom in blue text.Image Modified
  3. Click on Reflow at the bottom of the expansion menu.

    The Reflow button with a paper icon to the left of it.
  4. After activating reflow, the document shows as a single column: Although it may not look great when viewed at full width, the real advantage of displaying text in a single column is that it improves the experience when zoomed in, because it eliminates side to side scrolling.

    A document in Acrobat with Reflow active. The text is in a single column.


  1. Go to the Menu button and in the dropdown menu, click Document Properties.

    The Menu dropdown menu with Document Properties highlighted.Image Modified
  2. In the Document Properties tab, go to the Description tab and type the title in the Title field.

    The Document Properties box with the Description Tab open, and Adobe Acrobat Example set as the title.Image Modified
  3. Next, go to the Initial View tab.

    The Initial View tab in the Document PropertiesImage Modified
  4. Under the Window Options > Show section, select Document Title from the drop-down menu. This will ensure that the document title, rather than the file name, is displayed.

    The Windows Options section with the Show section set as Document Title.Image Modified


You must define the document's language so that screen readers can read it correctly. Without this, a screen reader will default to its settings, which could lead to incorrect pronunciation. For example, an English document read with French pronunciation rules would sound like nonsense and be unintelligible. Setting the language also ensures that special or foreign characters and scripts are displayed properly in visual browsers.


  1. Go to the Menu button and in the dropdown menu, click Document Properties.

    The Menu dropdown menu with Document Properties highlighted.Image Modified
  2. In the Document Properties pop-up dialog, select the Advanced tab.

    The Advanced Tab of the Document Properties box is open.Image Modified
  3. In the Reading Options section, select the appropriate Language from the drop-down.

    The Reading Options section with Language set to English.Image Modified

Section 4.4: Accessibility Tools


  1. Download and open PAC 2021.

    The PDF Accessibility Checker 2021 Interface.Image Modified
  2. Click the upload button.

    The Upload Button in PAC 2021.Image Modified
  3. Select your file and click Open. The program will then run the check.

  4. Examine the generated report and data. If you see any errors, go back into your PDF and fix them until you pass all of the WCAG criteria.

    An example of a WCAG PDF Accessibility report with a red x showing the errors and green checkmarks for what is right.Image Modified

What can you learn from PAC 2021,


  1. To check your PDF for accessibility, go to the Tasks Pane and under All Tools, click Prepare for Accessibility.

    The All Tools tab is open with the Prepare for Accessibility button visible.Image Modified
  2. Click the Check for Accessibility option.

    The Prepare for Accessibility menu with Check for Accessibility Options.Image Modified
  3. Next, the Accessibility Checker Options box will appear. You can check specific pages on your document or all of them. It is recommended to leave all Checking Options selected. Finally click on the Start Checking button.

    Accessibility Checker Options box in Adobe Acrobat.Image Modified
  4. The results will appear in the Navigation Pane. You can right-click a specific issue and choose to Fix it, Skip the Rule, Explain, Check Again, Show Report, and Options. Remember, if the Full Check tool doesn't find any issues, this is no guarantee that there aren't any. You must still test manually. The name "Full" Check can be misleading in that sense.

    The Accessibility Checker Report Example.Image Modified

    For more detail on using the Full Check tool, you can visit the Adobe Create and verify PDF accessibility page.


titleWorking in the Order Pane

Keep in mind the dual functionality of the Order Pane as outlined earlier. Key points to remember:

  • When you rearrange items in the Order Pane, the corresponding tags in the Tags Pane may sometimes be unintentionally nested inside other tags.

  • Adjusting the order of items in the Order Pane also changes their visual stacking order. This can result in layout issues, such as objects that should appear in front being moved behind others. You’ll need to correct the order to resolve such problems.

  • The numbering in the Order Pane reflects the visual stacking order of content layers, not the screen reader reading order. Don’t rely on these numbers to determine the screen reader’s reading sequence.

  • In some cases, managing the reading and display order of adjacent tags through the Order Pane may not be possible. When this happens, you’ll need to make adjustments directly in the Tags Pane.

    The Order Pane is open with a Coastal Comforts Employee Handbook. The content is highlighted in grey with its reading order.Image Modified
titleWorking in the Tags Pane

For most simple documents, the easiest way to establish the screen reader reading order is by using the Tags Pane. Carefully review the tag tree to ensure the content flows in a logical sequence. However, for documents that prioritize visual presentation, you may need to use the Order Pane to adjust the reading order.

The good news is that if you create a document with accessibility in mind from the start, you’ll likely achieve a reliable reading order and only need minor adjustments afterward.

The Tags Pane is open with a Coastal Comforts Employee Handbook. The content is highlighted in pink borders.Image Modified
titleAnalyze the Content

Evaluate the various types of content in the document and determine their logical reading sequence. For example:

  • A heading, even if visually placed in the middle or at the bottom of a page, should be read before the content it introduces.

  • In a long quote, the speaker’s name, even if it appears at the end, should be read first so screen reader users know who is being quoted.

  • For content referencing footnotes, it may be more appropriate to read the footnotes immediately after the associated content, rather than at the end of the page where they might lose context.

  • And so on...

Ensure the reading order supports clarity and comprehension for all users.


  1. Click on the Page Thumbnails button in the Navigation Pane.

    The Page Thumbnail Pane open with page 1 selected.Image Modified
  2. Select all the thumbnails in the Navigation Pane (Control + click).

  3. Right-click one of the thumbnails and choose Page Properties.

    The Page Properties option in the expansion menu.Image Modified
  4. In the Tab Order tab, ensure the option Use Document Structure is selected (this is the default), then click OK.

    The Page Properties Box with the Tab Order Tab open. Use Document Structure is selected.Image Modified

This will ensure that the tabbing order for links and form fields matches the screen reader reading order.


  1. Open the Tags Pane in the Navigation Pane.

  2. Open the Options Button.

    The Options button with the expansion menu visible.Image Modified
  3. Select Find.

    The Find option in the Options expansion menu.Image Modified
  4. The Find Element box will appear. In the Find drop-down menu, select Unmarked Content.

  5. Select the option for Search Document (or Search Page if you want to do this page by page).

    The Find Element button with Find set to Unmarked Content, and Search Document Selected.Image Modified
  6. Click Find.

  7. Acrobat will then show you untagged content items with a bright pink border around them. Click on the Tag button.

  8. Click Next in the dialog box to see each unmarked content item as Acrobat shows them one by one.

  9. Tag the items as needed and place them in a Paragraph Tag.

    A black object is highlighted with a pink border over the Find Element box.Image ModifiedA paragraph tag with empty tags.Image Modified

Delete Empty Tags:


  1. Open the Options Menu in the Tags Pane.

  2. Select Delete Empty Tags.

    A paragraph tag with an expansion menu. The Delete Tag option in the expansion menu is visible.Image Modified
