Upload your file, from Word, Excel, or PowerPoint into Adobe Acrobat.
Go to the Options Menu and click New Tag.
Create a Heading 1 tag.
Now highlight the heading you have for your document and right click your <H1> tag. Click Create Tag from Selection. The text will appear in a small box in the hierarchy. Usually, a single box will appear with your header inside. However, sometimes multiple boxes appear. This will not affect the screen reader’s ability to read your text unless the individual words are broken up.
Go back to the Options Menu and create Table Header tags or <TH>. Highlight your Table Headers one by one and place them into their own <TH> tags.
Go back to the Options Menu again and create Table Data tags or <TD>. Highlight your Table Data one by one and place them into their own <TD> tags.
Create Table Row Tags or <TR> for each of your table rows. So if you have two table rows (including header rows, you need to make two <TR> tags. Place all of the <TH> tags in one <TR> tag and all of the <TD> tags in the other <TR> tag.
Create a Table tag and place your <TR> tags inside it. Now open up all of your tags to be sure they are in order. If a data cell is skipped, be sure it is tagged correctly and get it into the right place in the hierarchy.
Now that the tagging is done, we need to clean up all of the untagged material the screen reader may pick up instead of our tagged items. To do this, create a paragraph tag in the Accessibility Tags panel. Then right click on the Paragraph Tag and choose Find.
In the Find Element Box, change the Find dropdown menu to Unmarked Content. Click Find, and Acrobat will scan your document and highlighted content with a pink box. If you see pink boxes, tag it. It will all go into your Paragraph tag.
Open your Paragraph tag, there you will see tons of empty boxes or boxes that say Path. Select all of these boxes and right click. In the expansion menu, click Change Tag to Artifact. Click OK in the Create Artifact Box, then delete the Paragraph tag.
Provide an alternative text to your table by right clicking on the Table Tag and clicking Properties. Then click Tag Tab, and finally, Alternate Text. An example of an alternative text would be: This table has data on the Longest Flights in the World. There is data on the Airline, Flight Number, Distance in Miles, and Locations. Finally, test your table with a screen reader.