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Tagging PDFs with machine-readable text to make their content accessible to visually impaired users. Adam Hino’s Disability Support Services (DSS) site offers a free converter for PDFs, Word Docs, and other files, to convert it into an accessible PDF. The free document converter tool is called Sensus ApS:http 

  1. Locate the link to a PDF on your site.
  2. Download the PDF to your local computer.
  3. Open the free PDF tagging service in a second web browser that is NOT logged into Drupal, http 
  4. Submit the PDF to the service with your email. 
  5. The tagged, accessible PDF will be emailed back to you, with a new file name. This step can take up to 30 minutes.
  6. Check the tagged PDF next to the original PDF from your website to ensure that the content is accurate and consistent.
  7. Rename the PDF back to match the original name that you sent.
  8. Log into Drupal.
  9. Click on My Workbench > My Files to view all the files in your site.
  10. The File Manager appears:

  11. Click Upload tab at the top of the file manager,

  12. Drag the tagged, renamed PDF into the Upload window or click Add files to select the tagged PDF.
  13. Click the Upload button under the Add Files list,
  14. If the new filename matches the existing PDF filename exactly, then the new tagged PDF will replace the older PDF.
