Section 2.2: Tagging in Adobe Acrobat
Tags are used in Adobe Acrobat to identify a contents value in a document so it can be read and interpreted by assistive technology. By tagging an object, we are assigning a hierarchical value to an element. For example: An <H1> tag is used for Headings Style 1 or the main heading for a section or chapter. <H2> is used for Heading Style 2, most commonly used for subsections. In a hierarchy, <H2> must be parented under <H1>. Paragraphs or <p>, but be parented under <H2> or in necessary order. Headings must always be higher than paragraphs.
To create a tag, click the Tag Icon
Highlight the text you want tagged
Right Click Tags and click Create Tag Root
In our example we will tag Part 1: Introduction as a heading level 2. Click the Menu Button and Click New Tag, under type, select Heading Level 2 (due to this example being a Heading Level 2). You may also include a title or name of what the tag is called. (This may help you keep track of what the tags are for)
A new tag has been created, but nothing is inside yet. With your text still highlighted, right click the <H2> tag and click on “Create Tag from Selection”.
Scanning a document produces a single image with no real, searchable text.
Using Print > , Save as PDF on a web page or within an authoring software program produces real text but no . However, it does not produce tags.
Various options within Acrobat produce untagged PDFs. Examples include create PDF from Scanner, Screenshot, Web Page, and Clipboard.
Go to the Tools Tab.
Click Add Scan & OCR.
Click Recognize Text, then In this file., then click the Recognize Button.
After you do this, you’ll need to go through do the standard tagging process and adjust the reading and tab order as needed.