Policy Title
| Tobacco-Free Policy |
Document Type | - Policy
- Procedure
- Guidelines
- Form
Office/Unit | Student Affairs, Judicial Affairs, Health Center, Counseling Center, EAP |
Policy Owner |
Contact Information |
Approval Date |
Approved by |
Effective Date | September 1, 2015 |
Review Date/Schedule |
Revision History |
Purpose | The New York State Clean Indoor Act of July 24, 2003 amended Public Health Law Article 13-E (Regulation of Smoking in Certain Public Areas) and encourages every employer in the State to provide smoke-free work areas for all employees in the workplace.
On June 12, 2012, The State University of New York Board of Trustees passed a resolution to support a “Tobacco-Free SUNY” policy and the development of New York State legislation that bans the use of tobacco on grounds and facilities and in vehicles owned, leased, or controlled by SUNY. The Chancellor has asked that campuses persist in designing and implementing strategies to drive their campuses toward the tobacco-free goal, with the understanding that to achieve, this, a campus culture change is necessary. Further, no campus can effectively achieve a tobacco-free campus without addressing both social and collective bargaining issues and that time, collaboration and full dialogue are critical to the processes.
Following the recommendations of Chancellor Nancy Zimpher and the resolution of the State University of New York Board of Trustees, Dr. Virginia Horvath assembled a multidisciplinary task force to begin planning for a “Tobacco Free Campus” initiative on January 1, 2014.
The task force is charged with recommending the best means to define local policy and communication about what we mean by a “tobacco free campus”. The task force should also offer suggestions for tobacco cessation programs and other education, wellness and support initiatives available for students, faculty and staff. It is from multiple meetings of the Tobacco Free task force that this policy has been developed. |
Applies To | Effective implementation of this policy depends on the courtesy, respect, and cooperation of all members of the SUNY Fredonia community.
All members of the University community ● Shall comply with this policy in a courteous, respectful, and cooperative manner.
Supervisors (University and vendors) ● Shall communicate this policy to their employees and volunteers.
Event Organizers ● Shall communicate this policy to event attendees. |
Policy Statement | SUNY Fredonia supports an environment where its students, employees, and visitors do not smoke or use other tobacco products, and are not exposed to those who do. Therefore, SUNY Fredonia strongly encourages that students, faculty, staff and visitors refrain from smoking and the use of other tobacco products while on all University-managed property, both indoors and outdoors. This includes any vehicle owned or leased by the University.
Organizers of and attendees at public events, such as conferences, meetings, lectures, social events, cultural events, and/or athletic events using University-managed property will be required to abide by the State University of New York at Fredonia Tobacco-Free Policy. Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating this policy to attendees. |
Exclusions |
Consequences |
Enforcement | Compliance The person with direct supervision of an area is responsible for encouraging compliance with the policy. ● Visitors/Guests: In the event of non-compliance, University Police may be notified and take appropriate action.
With regard to the Tobacco Free Campus Policy, it is the responsibility of all members of the University community to encourage full compliance this Tobacco-Free Policy and to remind others of their responsibility. Complaints relating to the implementation of this policy should be referred to the appropriate department head. If a resolution cannot be reached by the department/division head, the matter should be referred to the appropriate campus office which may be Human Resource (employees), the office of the Vice President of Student Affairs (students) or Facilities Planning (contractors).
Visitors must observe this Tobacco-Free Policy. Department heads, building coordinators, sponsors/hosts of University events are responsible for visitors’ compliance with the University’s Tobacco-Free Policy. Visitors who smoke will be requested to extinguish the cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc. and will be asked to fully conform to the policy. Refusal to do so may constitute a violation of university prevailing policy and may result in removal from or denial of re-admittance to the building or event. |
Background | SUNY Fredonia cares deeply about the health of all its members and as an employer and an institution of higher education, the College is committed to providing a safe working, living and educational environment. Tobacco use is inconsistent with the Campus culture of wellness. |
Related Policies | Filter by label (Content by label) |
Related Procedures | ● All designated smoking areas will be eliminated. ● All ash receptacles will be removed. ● New “Tobacco-Free” signs will be placed at various locations on campus and inside of University-owned vehicles.
Third-Party Vendors ● The sale of tobacco products on campus is prohibited. This includes the delivery of tobacco products to the campus by means of a delivery service of any kind. ● The free distribution of tobacco products to University organizations is prohibited. ● University organizations and affiliated organizations are prohibited from accepting money or gifts from tobacco companies, directly or indirectly. This includes sponsorship of parties by tobacco companies, distribution of free, reduced, or full price tobacco products, or any promotional items. This does not apply to research funding. ● Tobacco-related advertising or sponsorship is not permitted on/in: ● University-managed property, including billboards or signage in stadiums or on campus, and at University-sponsored events. ● Publications produced by the University. ● Tobacco-related advertising is permitted in a newspaper or magazine not produced by the University and which is lawfully sold, bought, or distributed on University-managed property; this includes student-run newspapers.
Distribution This policy shall be: ● Included with orientation information given to all enrolled students. ● Communicated to all prospective hires, students, vendors and contractors. ● Communicated to newly hired employees in the New Employee Orientation. ● Announced in various University publications and sites. ● Distributed to all managers and supervisors for distribution to employees. ● Distributed to all event sponsors.
Support and Education The University understands the addictive nature of smoking and use of tobacco products, and the reality that breaking the habit is extremely difficult for many people. The University will make every effort to assist and encourage those who wish to stop using tobacco products and will offer various educational and cessation programs. Employees should contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) office for more information and assistance with cessation. Students should contact the Counseling Center for more information and assistance with cessation. |
Related Forms |
Related Links | New York State Smoker’s Quitline 1-866-697-8487 http://www.nysmokefree.com
American Cancer Society 101 John James Audobon Parkway Amherst, NY 14228 Tel: 716-689-6981 http://www.cancer.org
American Lung Association 766 Ellicott Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: 716-883-5864 http://www.lungusa.org
Roswell Park Cancer Institute Elm and Carlton Streets Buffalo, NY 14263 Tel: 716-845-8046 http://www.roswellpark.org
Erie County Health Department 95 Franklin Street, Room 979 Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-858-7695 http://www.erie.gov/health/
Brooks Memorial Hospital Central Ave Dunkirk, NY Tel: 716-366-1111 |
Definitions | Secondhand Smoke - a mixture of smoke given off by the burning end of a cigarette, cigar, cigarillo, pipe, beedi, kretek, water pipe, bong and hookah, and the smoke exhaled from the lungs of smokers.
Smoking - burning any type of matter or substance that contains tobacco including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, beedies, kreteks, water pipes, bongs, and hookahs.
Tobacco - is defined as all tobacco and tobacco-derived products intended for human consumption, including, but not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, hookah-smoked products, clove cigarettes, bidis, kreteks, smokeless tobacco and snus. This definition does not include any product that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco use cessation product.
Electronic Smoking or Vaping Devices - a cigarette-shaped device containing a nicotine-based liquid that is vaporized and inhaled, used to simulate the experience of smoking tobacco.
University-Managed Property - property or facilities owned, leased or controlled by the University or its related entities.
University Organizations - University organizations are institutionalized organizations for students and/or staff that receive funding directly from the University, and which are coordinated or directed by University staff. Affiliate organizations include those societies, clubs or the like, which are formed because of the special interest of any particular group of students. |
FAQ's |
Keywords | |
Category(s) |
- Academic Affairs
- Advancement
- Financial
- Governance
| - Operational
- Personnel
- School/College
- Student Life
Sub-Category(s) |