I. Reason for PolicyThe Greek community at SUNY Fredonia offers membership in three sororities, two with national affiliation and one with regional ties, and three fraternities, all of which are nationally affiliated. All of the Greek Letter organizations are expected to operate within the mission of SUNY Fredonia and to: “… contribute to the intellectual, social, and emotional development of students by preserving the quality of campus life beyond the classroom and laboratory, by insuring a rich variety of experiences within a congenial residential atmosphere and an engaging physical environment, and by encouraging a supportive sense of community…” (SUNY Fredonia Mission Statement, Item #4, August 2008). As such,SUNY Fredonia’s recruitment policy for Greek organizations is outlined in the following policy. II. Policy Statement1. Entering freshman students are required to have earned an 85 high school average in order to join a Greek Letter Organization. The candidates’ names and Fredonia identification numbers must be submitted to the Greek Affairs officer for verification of the high school average no later than three work days prior to offering the candidates a bid. FERPA privacy regulations stipulate that a consent form must be signed by the prospective member in order for the Greek Affairs officer to check his/her high school average. A form will be given to each of the sorority and fraternity recruitment representatives to collect the Fredonia numbers and signatures. Students who do not have at least an 85 high school average will not be permitted to join the Greek Letter Organization until they have established the required SUNY Fredonia grade point average (See below). 2. Transfer students and all other enrolled students who are not first semester freshmen must have a minimum 2.00 GPA in order to be considered eligible for membership. In some groups, the required GPA may be higher. As with new freshmen, the transfer student’s consent form, names and Fredonia identification numbers must be submitted to the Greek Affairs officer no later than three work days prior to bid process. 3. Recruitment activities must comply with all SUNY Fredonia policies and National or Regional policy, including the Anti-Hazing policy (http://www.fredonia.edu/catalog/4417.htm) and be completely free of alcohol. It is the preference of SUNY Fredonia that recruitment events be held on the campus and not at off-campus residences. Recruitment events in which it can be determined that alcohol was present may jeopardize the chapter’s ability to recruit or enroll new members. 4. Fraternities or Sororities that are on University probation may not, as a stipulation of their sanctions, be eligible to participate in recruitment activities for either part or all of their probation. All pending judicial complaints must be resolved before the Greek organization can participate in recruitment activities. 5. Formal recruitment of new members will commence at Activities Night and continue for no longer than two weeks. A final list of all members selected is to be given to the Greek Affairs Officer no later than three work days after the pinning ceremony. |