I. PurposeThe purpose of this policy is to define the hours of the copy centers on campus. II. ProcedureThe following Copy Center is manned Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM - Thompson Hall Copy Center, E357 Thompson Hall, extension 3598
Contact Ms. Carol McKinnis for more information- Jobs are completed on a first come, first serve basis, normally within 24 hours.
The following are self-serve copiers. - Fenton Hall Copy Center, 155 Fenton Hall, extension 3288
Staff members are there to help Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM - Houghton Hall Copier, 1st Floor, Room 118
- McEwen Hall Copier, 3rd Floor, Room 323
You must use your PIN number to use these copiers. For photocopying or long distance telephone calling privileges, your supervisor or department secretary must email the request to Sandra Noble for a PIN number at Sandra.Noble@fredonia.edu. |