POLICYAll fire alarms are to be taken seriously, especially in this time of heightened security awareness and the potential need to evacuate a building for other reasons. Evacuation of the facility is mandatory until the signal to re-enter has been given by an authorized campus designee. The following procedures are to be followed any time a fire alarm sounds – a loud bell, voice command by campus authorities or horn. PROCEDUREStairwells in the building will be used for the evacuation of the building – proceed to the nearest exit sign, which MAY NOT be the way you entered the building. The elevators will not be used as elevators are programmed to shut down during a fire alarm. When the alarm is sounded, all occupants will use the nearest exit. If that stairway is not usable, go to the next closest stairway. Doors, and if possible, windows, should be closed and lights turned off as the last person leaves a room or area. When the alarms sound, evacuate the building quickly, but do not run. Do not panic. Persons who walk slowly or have difficulties with stairs should walk to the right. Leave the vicinity of the building so that emergency personnel will have access to the building. - Proceed to your designated assembly area for your building. The designated area should be relayed to your group by the faculty instructor, staff member, building coordinator orotherwise indicated in the fire evacuation plan/signage. A head count needs to be taken at the designated area to ensure all occupants have left the building. PLEASE SEE ENCLOSED LIST OF BUILDING COORDINATORS.
- Never re-enter a building without the all clear from the authorized designated university authority.
FACULTY All faculty members should immediately evacuate students from classroom upon activation of the fire alarm. It is imperative that all faculty follow this procedure to ensure a complete evacuation of the building. STUDENTS All students are required to evacuate the building immediately and go to their primary meeting location. EMPLOYEES All employees must evacuate the building and go to designated assembly area. SEE ENCLOSED LIST OF ASSEMBLY AREAS. * Be advised – it is a requirement of the New York State Office of Fire Protection and Control and New York State Law that all occupants evacuate the building once a fire alarm is activated, whether it is a drill or not. Failure to evacuate will result in appropriate disciplinary action. DESIGNATED ASSEMBLY AREA PLEASE SEE ENCLOSURE FOR LIST OF AREAS Once outside, please stay at a minimum of 50 feet away from the building. In addition, those who are away from their respective group, at time of evacuation, should make their way to the designated assembly area if safe to do so. It is important to know that everyone is out of the building and to ensure that everyone is accounted for. We are all responsible to provide for a safe learning environment – please take a few minutes with your floor, your department, or your class to review the primary and secondary assembly area for your particular group. Communicating this information prior to an incident is critical to the safety of our campus community. EVACUATION OF INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES - All persons should proceed toward the nearest safe emergency exit.
- When an individual with disabilities reaches a stairway he/she should request help from others in the area. If assistance is not immediately available, individuals should remain in the exit corridor and if possible call for help.
- If the corridor becomes dangerous with fire and/or smoke, proceed into the stairway. Be aware of people exiting the building via the stairway. If the stairway should become unsafe, proceed to a safe area away from smoke and fire, closing doors behind you to isolate the smoke.
- Call 673-3333 from a campus phone and give your name and location.
- Elevators will not be used to evacuate individuals with disabilities until the fire department determines that they are safe to use.
- University Police should be informed immediately by any member of the SUNY Fredonia Community as to the location of an individual with disabilities.