How can I take attendance in OnCourse?

Step-by-step guide

Adding an Attendance Activity

  1. Access the course the Attendance belongs in and turn on editing. To turn editing on, click on the "Turn editing on" button on the upper right hand side of the page.
  2. Navigate to your Course Information area and click on "Add an activity or resource".
  3. On the activities menu, click on the Attendance activity. 
  4. The page will refresh and bring you to the settings of the Attendance activity.


  1. Fill in the "Name: field. By default this is called Attendance, but this can be modified if necessary.


If Attendance will be added to the gradebook, "Point" should be selected in the "Type" drop-down menu. If attendance should not be automatically added to the gradebook change the "Type" drop-down menu to "None."

  1. Type: Choose Point if attendance will count in the gradebook. Choose None if attendance will not count in the gradebook.
  2. Maximum Grade: Enter in the maximum grade a student can earn for the entire attendance cycle. If 2 points is given for each class attended and there are 45 meetings then the Maximum Grade would be 90.
  3. Grade Category: Indicate which category the attendance grade should go in.
  4. Scroll down the page and press Save and display to continue setting up the Attendance activity.

Creating Sessions for Attendance

One session should be created for each day attendance will be taken.

  1. On your course main page, go into the Attendance activity you just added to your course. Click the Add Session tab.
  2. Enter in the first date and time attendance will be taken.
  3. Under Multiple Sessions check the box for “Repeat the session above as follows.”
  4. Select the days of the week the course meets on, how often a course meets, and the end date in the Repeat Until area.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and press Add.

Set Status Codes

By default the available status codes are Present (P), Late (L), Excused (E), and Absent(A). Each status may have a grade value. Any status can be removed or replaced.

  1. In the Attendance Activity, click the Status Set tab.
  2. In the Actions column click on the trash icon remove any status (Acronym) not needed.  In the Actions column click on the Trash icon to remove any status
  3. Using the empty row, add any needed statuses.
  4. For the remaining statuses, include a Point value.
  5. Scroll down and Press Update to save changes.

Record Sessions

  1. In the Attendance activity click the green arrow under the Actions column to enter attendance for a session.

    In the Attendance activity click the green arrow under the Actions column to enter attendance for a session.
  2. If the session you are looking for does not appear, adjust the date range above the session list.
  3. Mark the status for each student, or mark the most common status by using the top row, and then changing the students not receiving the same status.

    Mark the status for each student, or mark the most common status by using the top row, and then changing the students not receiving the same status.
  4. Press the “Save attendance” button when done.

Viewing Attendance




  • Turn off Activity Completion for the Attendance option. Since attendance will be taken over a span of time, this isn’t a necessary item.
  • Generally a course meets every week so the “Repeat every week(s)” option should be set to 1.


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