
Section 2.1: Line Spacing

A good rule is to always have line spacing set at 1.5 or 2 lines. This can make reading easier for those with dyslexia or readers who easily lose their place in a page.

  1. Highlight your text and go to the main tool bar.

    An essay on why accessibility matters with one line spacing.
  2. Select the Paragraph and Line Spacing Button and click 1.5 or 2. This will make your text expand down the page. As a result, readers will have an easier time focusing on the individual reading lines.

    Line Spacing Button in Google DocsAn essay on why accessibility matters with the lines further apart.

Section 2.2: Line Justification

You should always have your text aligned or justified to the left. A full justification line causes the spaces between words to be different sizes. Some will be wider and some more narrow. This will make reading the document very difficult for screen reader users or people with low vision. Always justify your lines to the left.

To justify your lines,

  1. Highlight your text and go to the main tool bar.

    Main Tool bar in Google Docs
  2. Click the Align button and click Left.

    Justification Line button in Google Docs.

This essay is fully justified. This is causing unnecessary spaces between the words and making it harder to read.

Why does Accessibility Matter essay with fully justified lines

This essay is left justified. The essay is now much easier to read and every word is equally spaced apart.

Why does Accessibility Matter essay with the lines justified to the left

Section 2.3: Borders

Borders can be an effective way to group information or visually show data. However, screen readers do not recognize borders. Instead of using borders, it is recommended to use semantic headings instead. This will allow them to have an easier time reading the pages and understanding the difference between sections.

This list only provides borders to indicate the required and optional items. Screen reader users may not know when the sections start and finish.

A family vacation packing list with two boxes around the lists.

This list has semantic headings labeling required items and optional items into different sections. That way a screen reader will tell the reader when they are in the required section or the optional section.

A family vacation packing list without borders. Both lists are labeled.

Section 2.4: Can I use Flashing or Blinking Animations?

It is recommended to not use any flashing or blinking objects due to them causing photosensitive epileptic seizures. If you need to use a flash, make sure the flashing is not a very intense flash or goes very fast. A good amount of flashes is about 1 flash per second, the less intense and less flashes there are, the better.

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