Academic Event Recordings SC (Retired Service)


Academic Event Recordings (Transitioned to Marketing and Communications)

Service Manager

Director of Technology Support Services


ITS Service Center (After 1/2/18, Marketing Communications)


Location: W203 Thompson Hall

Phone Number: (716) 673-3407

Email: ITS Service Center

All requests for assistance are completed using the Tracker Customer Portal

Service Owner

Chief Information Officer


ITS will coordinate single camera video recordings of academic events on the campus of the State University New York of Fredonia. After 1/2, this service will be provided by Marketing and Communications.

Service Users

Teaching Faculty

User Services

After recordings are completed, access to the video recording will be provided to the requester.  Archival recordings will be provided to Reed Library for inclusion in the campus archives collection.

Business Services

Teaching Faculty in the following colleges and schools can request this service:

  • College of Education

  • College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

  • College of Visual & Performing Arts

  • School of Business

Technical Services

  • Video Recording Equipment: ITS utilizes ITS-owned video recording equipment for providing recordings.

  • Computing Equipment: Computers are utilized to transfer the recording from the camera to a digital format that is accessible to the requestor.


  • Before recording an academic event, written permission and signed talent release form must be obtained, prior to the event.

  • Departments requesting a recording will be responsible for maintaining release records of written permission.

  • At least two weeks notice is required to coordinate student staff assistants and to ensure equipment is available for the recording.

Rates / Cost of Use

Requests for copies of video recordings on optical media will require funds to cover the cost of duplication media and supplies.  High volume duplication request costs will be determined in consultation with a third party vendor.  The requestor will need to supply funding for high volume duplication requests.

Getting Started

  • This service has been retired.


  • This service has been retired.

Getting Help

  • This service has been retired.

SLA Notes

Users requesting a recording can expect a response within 2 business days and should expect access to the recording 10-15 business days after the event.

What is not included:

  • Multiple camera recordings

  • Post-production

Business Procedures


Change Procedures

Changes to the service (transition, additions, and discontinuations) must be reviewed by TAC and approved by the Service Manager (CIO) and Cabinet.

Assigned Primary Support


Assigned Secondary Support


RACI Chart



ITS Service Center Student Employees


ITS Service Center


Date Last Modified

