Application Express SC


Application Express

Service Manager

Kevin Lane


Enterprise Information Services


Location: 207B Thompson Hall

Phone Number: (716) 673-3198

All requests for assistance are completed using the Tracker Customer Portal

Service Owner

Chief Information Officer


Web Application Development - Application Express is a tool for developing web applications with SQL and PL/SQL. ApEX resides on the development environment. The COE NYSTCE score processing is used for production data purposes.

Service Users

All banner users with ApEx content (College of Education).

User Services

Application Express allows the College of Education a consolidated business process for NYSTCE score loads from New State Ed to banner.

Business Services

All banner users.

Technical Services

  • Data loads

  • Upgrade (ITEC)


Valid banner user and valid banner roles.

Rates / Cost of Use

The regular and expected use of this service does not require a fee.

Getting Started



This is service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Getting Help

Submit a ticket through the ticketing system.

SLA Notes

Requests are handled by the next business day.

Change Procedures

Request for change should be handled through the ticketing system.

Assigned Primary Support

Chuck Reed

Assigned Secondary Support

Teresa Dodge

RACI Chart

Date Last Modified


