SQL Administration SC


SQL Administration

Service Manager


Enterprise Reporting and Development


All requests for assistance are completed using the Tracker Customer Portal

Service Owner

Chief Information Officer


Perform typical SQL Server Administrator (DBA) tasks such as performance monitoring and tuning; login and user security management; backups and restores; moving databases; index defragmentation; log review

Service Users

SQL Server Administration is a background service provided by ITS.

User Services

Creation and installation of databases for locally developed or third-party applications.

Business Services

Work with functional users and third party vendors to determine appropriate installation and configuration needs.

Technical Services


Rates / Cost of Use

No fees

Getting Started


  • Once installed, databases tend to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Determined by security.

SLA Notes

Development or vetting of third party products requires substantial up-front time. Late requests for immediate needs are not advisable as they generally cannot be met successfully or end up being met by inadequately vetted third party products. Depending on the complexity of the business need, advance requests should be in the range of many months for new services.

Modifications to existing services also take analysis as what appears to be simple may indeed not be simple at all. Adequate time is one of the keys to allowing us to provide the right kind of service and meeting the business need.

If there is interruption in service due to server issues, bugs or undetermined factors, attention to such issues will be as soon as priorities allow. The priority level of all sql databases is not equal, so the SLA will be somewhat based on what else is happening at the time and a sense of how critical a particular application is. Generally, responses to problems are speedy.

Business Procedures

Change Procedures

Requests for changes can be made via FredQuest and should allow adequate time for analysis, collaborative discussion and implementation.

This would include updates to third party applications when the vendor releases such.

Assigned Primary Support

Assigned Secondary Support

RACI Chart

Who is responsible, accountable, consulted and informed for each function of your service?

Function 1

Name: SQL Administration




Service Team

Service Manager

Possibly 3rd Party Vendor



Service Manager

Service Manager

Possibly 3rd Party Vendor



Service Manager


Possibly 3rd Party Vendor


Date Last Modified