voicemail - changing or creating your voicemail greeting at Fredonia
voicemail - changing or creating your voicemail greeting at Fredonia
Any phone with an enabled voicemail service can have the greeting changed or created using these directions. If you still have an older phone set, or a new VoIP set the access method will work for both.
Step-by-step guide
- Dial (716) 673-4444 ( this can be done from any phone, you do not need to make this call from the phone for which you would like to change the greeting )
- Enter your mailbox number in a seven digit format. The mailbox number is the same as the phone number. ( for example 6732004 )
- Enter your password followed by the pound sign. ( for example 1111# )
- Listen to the main menu options.
- Press 9 to access the setup menu.
- Press 1 to access the greeting menu.
- listen to the greeting menu.
- press 1 to listen to current greeting, if desired.
- press 2 to record your new greeting.
- record your greeting and press # when finished.
- After hearing the greeting menu, press 1 to review the newly created greeting.
- follow the instructions to re-record your greeting, if needed.
- Hang up if you are finished.
If you do not know your voicemail box password you can create a Tracker ticket or send an email to ITS for assistance. Please include the voicemail box number with the ticket.
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