Using a Guest or Auditor Account in OnCourse
How do I log in to OnCourse using a guest or auditor account?
Step-by-step guide
- Access OnCourse at
- Press the grey button that reads “Guest/Auditor ID Log in”
- Enter your email address into the Username field.
- Enter the temporary password provided to you into the Password field.
- Press the blue "Guest Log in" button under the Password field.
- After logging in you will be asked to change your password.
- The new password must contain at least 8 characters, at least 1 digit(s), at least 1 lowercase letter(s), at least 1 upper case letter(s), at least 1 non-alphanumeric character(s) such as as *, -, or #
- The new password must contain at least 8 characters, at least 1 digit(s), at least 1 lowercase letter(s), at least 1 upper case letter(s), at least 1 non-alphanumeric character(s) such as as *, -, or #
- After changing the password, click on the Dashboard link in the top left-hand corner.
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