Adding an Image to Your Profile in OnCourse

How do I add or change the image used in OnCourse for my Profile?

Step-by-step guide

Note: The image from your official Fredonia ID is the default image in OnCourse. This image can be replaced at any time following the directions below.

  1. Log on to OnCourse
  2. In the top right-hand corner choose the drop-down menu next to your name and choose Profile.
  3. Click the Edit Profile link in the User Details section.
  4. Locate the User Picture section.
  5. Press the Add button in the New Picture Field.
  6. Choose Upload a File from the left-hand column and then browse for your image.
  7. After selecting the image, press Upload this File.
  8. When you're finished, scroll down the page and press the Update Profile button.


  • Choose an image that clearly identifies you. A headshot is recommended.
  • If an image is of more than one individual or an image that is not you, you will be asked to change the image or the image will be reverted back to the Fredonia ID image on file.


  • To update your picture on your FREDCard, you will need to bring your current card into the office and the card must be over a year old. More Information about My FredCard.

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