Using Calendar in OnCourse

Using Calendar in OnCourse

As a student, how do I use the course calendar?

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go into the course in which you wish to check the calendar. On the main course page, you can access the Calendar from the left side menu. Press the Calendar link. 

Calendar link on the left side menu on the main course page in OnCourse.

2. The screen refreshes and brings you to the calendar for the current month. 

Press the link corresponding to the following month in the upper right, to view events and due dates for the following month. 

Course calendar current month view.  Press the link corresponding to the following month in the upper right to view the following month's events.

3.  On the next screen, you’ll see January 2021’s events. 

a. In this example, you see a Quiz ends on 1/10, a TurnitIn assignment is due on 1/12, and Assignment is due on 1/13, and the instructor has scheduled a course event on 1/14.

b. Assignments, TurnitIn Assignments, and Quizzes auto populate to the Calendar. Instructors may manually create course events that will also appear on the Calendar.

January 2021 calendar. This example highlights that a Quiz, Turnitin assignment and Assignment are due in January. The instructor has also scheduled a course event on January 14th.

4. If you click on any of the links on the Calendar, a dialog box comes up that gives you more information about the event. 

a. In this example you see the details about the Assignment that is due, including the due date and the link that will take you to the dropbox to add your submission.

Assignment is due. A dialog box which details that an Assignment is due on January 13th. This dialog box includes a link that if pressed takes the user to the Assignment dropbox to add their submission.

How do I use the Upcoming events block?

  1. Navigate back to the main course page. On the upper right side of the screen, you’ll see the “Upcoming Events” block. 

Upcoming events block on the main course page. This block highlights due dates for upcoming events and connects to the course calendar.

a. Upcoming due dates from the calendar such as Assignments, Turnitin Assignments and Quizzes,  and instructor created events appear on the Upcoming events block.

b. Note: some instructors may use the Calendar to add events and some may not. An instructor created event is distinguished by the green graduation cap icon.

c. The Upcoming events block is also an entry point to the Calendar. Click on the Go to calendar link to access the course Calendar.

2.  If you click on a link in the Upcoming events block a dialog box pops up that provides more detail about the event.

a. In this example, you see that a Quiz is due Sunday, January 10th.

b. If you click on the Attempt quiz now link you’ll be directed to the Quiz to begin your attempt.

Quiz is due. This dialog box appears when you click on a link in the Upcoming events block. The dialog box provides more information about the Quiz and includes a link to take the user to the Quiz to begin their attempt.

The OnCourse Dashboard (the page that loads after login) can be customized to include the Calendar Block and the Upcoming Events block. This will list all of the upcoming due dates across all the courses you are registered in. If these are not turned on for your Dashboard you can customize the page to include them.

  1. Access the Dashboard
  2. Press the "Customize the page" button in the top right-hand corner
  3. In the left-hand menu choose "Add a block."
  4. From the "Add a block" window choose Calendar or Upcoming Events.
  5. If these items don't appear in the list, they are already turned on in the page.

These blocks can be moved around using the green four-way arrows to drag-and-drop into other locations on the page. 

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