State University of New York at Fredonia Student Cross Registration
Note: Cross registered coursework taken at another institution is transfer work. Only the credits will be transferred back to your Fredonia record. Grades will not be calculated into your Fredonia grade point average.
Complete the Transfer Credit Approval Form (included below) and obtain approval signatures of your department Chairperson and the Registrar’s Office.
- If the transfer credit approval is granted, complete the online cross registration appication at . Notifications of approval, denials and other communication will take place via the online application process.
Criteria and Applicable situations for cross registration:
- Students must be registered for at least 6 credit hours at Fredonia.
- No more than six credit hours of cross registered coursework are allowed per semester.
- Courses must be taken in Fall and Spring semesters only
- Students must check for any additional restrictions with the visiting institution
- Courses must be unique experiences not offered at Fredonia OR
- Courses are not available or are necessary to resolve a schedule conflict that would otherwise create a delay in degree completion OR
- Courses are being sought for greater efficiency of resources (faculty, facilities, etc)
- Restricted Courses: Internships, Independent Studies or Capstone Courses. The institution reserves the right to restrict other courses as necessary.
Other SUNY Student Cross Registration at Fredonia
1. Complete the online SUNY cross registration application at
2. If approved by your home insitution, the Registrar’s Office will review the application and if appropriate will preliminarily approve the application. One week before the semester begins, if the course is still available, we will register you. An email will be sent when your registration is complete.
Criteria and Applicable situations for cross registration:
- No more than six credit hours of coursework are allowed per semester
- Students must meet all prescribed pre-requisites and other course restrictions (Academic Departments reserve the right to deny a cross registration due to gpa or other departmental admission criteria that are not met by the visiting student)
- Courses must be taken in Fall and Spring semesters only
- Courses are being sought for greater efficiency of resources (faculty, facilities, etc)
- Restricted Courses: Internships, Independent Studies or Capstone Courses. Fredonia reserves the right to restrict other courses as necessary.
To be determined by home institution:
- Courses must be unique experiences not offered at your home institution
- Courses are not available or are necessary to resolve a schedule conflict that would otherwise create a delay in degree completion
SUNY System Cross Registration Resources
Cross Registration Memorandum to Presidents, Vol. 17, No.1
This memorandum provides guidance on implementing the SUNY Board of Trustees’ Resolution 2016-65, Cross Registration Policy, adopted on November 3, 2016. The MTP provides implementation guidance and details on a range of issues, including approvals, data and reporting, tuition and state support sharing, billing, and financial aid. Published in July, 2017, Cross Registration MTP Vol. 17, No. 1 supersedes the previous Cross Registration MTP, Vol. 13, No. 1 published in January, 2013.
Financial Aid Consortium Agreement
The Financial Aid Consortium Agreement establishes a university-wide financial aid consortium that enables any SUNY student who is eligible for aid, matriculated in an eligible program, and enrolled at any SUNY campus within the Consortium to register for academic credit with any other SUNY campus(es) within the Consortium and combine the program-applicable credits for financial aid purposes. The Agreement includes eligibility and procedural guidelines for the student, home campus, and host campus.
The Board of Trustees Cross Registration Policy Resolution
The resolution approves principles to guide updates to SUNY’s cross-registration policies and the establishment of a system-wide financial aid consortium.
Other SUNY Cross Registration Resources