Course Audit Policy
Subject to faculty and department approval, certain academic courses may be audited.
The instructor is under no obligation to assess a course auditor’s homework, class contributions, or examinations. The auditor receives no grade for the course, nor is any course transcript generated by The State University of New York at Fredonia. In addition, auditors are not provided certain other university services, such as email, internet access, etc. However, access to OnCourse is available as needed. Once enrolled, students may not change their enrollment status from audit to credit, or from credit to audit.
All persons who would like to audit a course must obtain and complete an Audit Form from Extended Learning -- whether a fee is required or not. The completed form must have the signatures of:
- The course instructor
- The chair of the department offering the course
Current full-time students, faculty and staff, Fredonia emeriti faculty and staff, and community members 60 years of age and older (with documentation) may audit courses without paying a registration fee. For all others:
- A non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 will be charged.
- A parking sticker will be required to park a vehicle on campus ($5.00, from the Office of Student Accounts).
- A library card will be required to remove circulation materials from the library ($2.00 from Reed Library).
Audit privileges are not available in noncredit courses offered through Extended Learning; nor in any internship, directed study, practicum, OpenSUNY, or international study program/course.