Reporting Damages, Shortages & Return Authorizations

Reporting Damages, Shortages & Return Authorizations


Document TitleReporting Damages, Shortages & Return Authorizations
Document Type
  • Bylaws
  • Policy Document
  • Procedures
  • Guidelines
  • Form
Office/UnitPurchasing Department
Document Owner
Contact Information
Office Name Phone Email

Policy NumberPurchasing Department Policy No. 203
Approval Date

January 2003

Approved by
Effective Date

January 2003

Review Date/Schedule
Revision History

ORIGINAL: January 2003
LAST REVISED: January 2014
REVISION DATE: January 2016


I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to define a procedure for reporting damages, shortages and return authorizations for goods purchased via a purchase order.

II. Procedure

ANY PROBLEMS WITH DELIVERED SUPPLIES SHOULD BE REPORTED DIRECTLY TO CENTRAL RECEIVING AND THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY VIA EMAIL. Be sure to describe in full the nature of the problem including purchase order number, vendor, etc. The Accounting Department will process the invoice as normal unless they are told that there is a problem with the merchandise.

Check all boxes, packages or envelopes for shortages or damages IMMEDIATELY upon receiving them. Call Central Receiving at extension 3484 if any items are in dispute, such as damaged or incorrect items. Send any invoices and/or packing slips to Accounting at 401 Maytum Hall. Clearly mark the requisition number on the invoices/packing slips.

All returns must be coordinated with Central Receiving and the Purchasing Department via email describing the reason for the return, including requisition number, vendor, etc. Please call Central Receiving at extension 3484 IMMEDIATELY or email them at warehous@fredonia.edu for additional instructions. Please be aware that vendors may have time limit constraints for returned items and/or may charge restocking fees, which in the past, has been as much as 50%.

When the department has the returned item properly packaged and ready for return, contact Central Receiving, extension 3484 to make arrangements for pick-up.

Do NOT leave the package on the loading dock unless instructed to do so.

Following the above procedures will enable our departments to track any returned items should it become necessary. If a package is returned to the vendor by a department with no way for tracking and should the item be lost, the department may be liable for payment of the item.


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