Listserv lists migrated to Google Groups
The name of the list will stay the same however, “listserv” will be removed from the email address ( will become
Posting to Google Groups will need to come from an authorized email address (e.g. departmental email address).
Moderators will not receive a notification that they need to approve their messages, they will need to go to group page to approve their messages. They will see a “banner” with the number of messages pending for review, but they should, in general, approve only their own messages.
Any member can go to the group and see all messages posted to the Group, but they are not allowed to post. They will receive an non-delivery error message if they try to post to the group.
Non-members messages will be moderated and if rejected, senders will receive a custom rejection message.
- Email each other
- Organize meetings
- Find people with similar hobbies or interests
You can also change your group's type, name, description, and choose who can join, post, and view topics. To learn more, check out Google Support.
How do I find and join a Group?
You can join a Google Group to have discussions about a topic or to communicate with your team, organization, class, or other group. Some groups grant immediate membership, but others require you to request membership. To learn more, check out Google Support.
How do I add people to my group and view all members?
You can add someone to your group in three ways:
- Invite someone via email
- Add someone without getting their approval
- Approve people who applied to join. To learn more, check out Google Support.
Information Technology Services provides managed Google Groups as a service to the University community. As such, Information Technology Services reserves the right to make alterations in the service at any time for the sake of the common good of all users. Google Groups that are not managed by ITS are self-supported.
The Google Groups manager reserves the right to make changes to any list's configuration without notice in the following cases (not exhaustive): (1) to correct errors; (2) to make preferred changes or improvements; (3) where the group owner has been negligent or lax in conducting required group maintenance.
The Google Groups manager reserves the right to restrict or deny any user's access to or privileges on Google Groups with due cause. Google may automatically and selectively deny service to users based on bounced or excessive e-mail or other detected problems.