Use the left-most Format menu to change the style of the selected text to a Heading style or reset it back to Paragraph style for body text.
Learn how to format text.
Styles menu:
The Styles menu provides a few additional styles, which should be used sparingly.
Learn how to use styles to format a link.
Use these to stylize text. Do not add Bold to text that is already in a Heading format.
Create a link to another Drupal page or an external website, also linking to an upload file.
Learn how to add a link.
Insert an image.
Learn how to add an image.
Add a video from YouTube or Vimeo in the page.
Learn how to add a video to a page.
Embed a Reusable Block
Learn how to add a Reusable Block to a page.
Use this to create a table (use only for data, not page formatting)
Learn how to edit Tables.
Create a horizontal line within the page