Drupal: The Editor Toolbar

Drupal: The Editor Toolbar

The Drupal Editor Toolbar interface was updated on February 1, 2024.
The latest tools and icons are described below.

These are the Drupal editor tools we use to edit web content.

Toolbar with Drupal editing tools

Cut, Copy, Paste:

The Drupal editor toolbar does not show button icons for cut, copy or paste.

A. You may use these keyboard equivalents:

  • Cut = Ctrl+X (Windows) or Command+X (Mac)

  • Copy = Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (Mac)

  • Paste = Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac)

  • Paste without formatting (or Paste and match style) = Ctrl+Shift+V (Windows) or Command+Shift+V (Mac)

B. Or, you may right-click on your mouse to access those functions:

Right-click on selected text to use Cut, Copy, Paste.
Right-click on selected text to use Cut, Copy, Paste.

Headings and Paragraph Formats menu:

Use the left-most Format menu to change the style of the selected text to a Heading style or reset it back to Paragraph style for body text.
Learn how to format text.

Styles menu:

The Styles menu provides a few additional styles, which should be used sparingly.
Learn how to use styles to format a link.

Use these to stylize text. Do not add Bold to text that is already in a Heading format.





 Remove any special formatting from text. This tool is recommended after pasting content into Drupal from another program. Highlight the pasted text and click this Tx button.

Buttons for Undo (left) and Redo (right) actions

Create a link to another Drupal page or an external website, also linking to an upload file.
Learn how to add a link.

Insert an image.
Learn how to add an image.

Add a video from YouTube or Vimeo in the page.
Learn how to add a video to a page.

Embed a Reusable Block
Learn how to add a Reusable Block to a page.

Use this to create a table (use only for data, not page formatting)
Learn how to edit Tables.

Create a horizontal line within the page

Subscript / Subscript


Create lists, as numbered (left) or bulleted (right)


Decrease or increase indent of items in a list

Use Ω to insert special characters

Use this to create an prominent pull quote (Block Quote) in the page

Use this to switch between the formatted text and showing the HTML code