Drupal: Delete a web page or a file from the website
Drupal: Delete a web page or a file from the website
Archive a web page:
You may hide a web page from public view by following these steps: Drupal: Unpublish & Archive a Web Page
Delete a file or web page:
If you want to permanently remove a web page or file from website, please send an email to webteam@fredonia.edu and include a link to each web page or file that you want to permanently remove.
To find the link to a file in your website:
In the top menu, under Workbench, choose File Browser or visit https://www.fredonia.edu/admin/workbench/file-browser
Navigate to your website folder in the left side.
Click on a file to view the details:
Workbench File BrowserCopy the blue URL link for that selected file then paste it into your email to webteam@fredonia.edu.
Repeat for each file.
This helps the Web Team know exactly which files will be deleted.