Greetings! Extended Learning is calling for Summer Sessions 2017 courses. This coming year, Summer Sessions will have a new theme and will feature May Term (a two-week session, akin to J-Term, immediately following finals week), Summer Accelerated, Summer Extended, and the more traditional Summer I and II. Please think strategically when planning your department’s summer course offerings. We know that in order to build a successful summer program, we need to adopt a student-focused schedule – one that offers an array of courses that students need and want – presented at times that fit their schedules (both personal and professional) – and at times that minimize conflicts, enabling them to enroll in multiple classes if desired. For your consideration, I have data that shows the classes that Fredonia students sought and transferred in from other institutions for Summer Sessions 2012 through 2016. If you are interested and would like to brainstorm some ideas for courses that we could offer directly to our students, please give me a call at 3177. Also, pay particular attention to high-demand courses that fill/close this spring – these may lend themselves to the summer schedule. Note that all course schedules are subject to Department Chair and Dean approval. Summer Sessions 2017 Schedule: May Term First Day: Monday, May 15 Last Day/Finals: Friday, May 26 (2-week session akin to J-Term) Summer Extended First Day: Monday, May 22 Last Day/Finals: Friday, July 28 (10-week session for those courses better served by a longer time frame) N.B. Monday, May 29 is Memorial Day and Tuesday, July 4 is Independence Day - No classes Summer I First Day: Monday, May 22 Last Day/Finals: Friday, June 23 (Traditional 5-week session) N.B. Monday, May 29 is Memorial Day - No classes Summer II First Day: Monday, June 26 Last Day/Finals: Friday, July 28 (Traditional 5-week session) N.B. Tuesday, July 4 is Independence Day - No classes Summer I Accelerated (1-, 2-, and 3-week courses fitting within Summer I – to address the demand for courses that are similar to those offered during J-Term) Summer II Accelerated (1-, 2-, and 3-week courses fitting within Summer II – to address the demand for courses that are similar to those offered during J-Term) Each of these categories will be delineated in marketing communications. The goal is to have a preliminary schedule online in February – it should include those courses that students typically need so they can start planning. The Summer Sessions schedule will be a live document housed on the website and promoted as such, enabling departments to add courses through Extended Learning as spring semester unfolds and new needs are uncovered. Please submit your department’s Summer Sessions 2017 proposed courses using Google Forms (see below) by Friday, January 13, 2017. Note that you will build your schedule one course at a time and must click on "Submit Another Response" to continue adding courses for your department. Ultimately, I will present the master schedule to the Deans for final approval. If you do not plan to offer courses, let us know this as well. List/group courses in alphanumeric order by Session. Note that Monday, May 29 is Memorial Day and Tuesday, July 4 is Independence Day – all offices will be closed - no classes will be held. May Term courses must fit within the two-week period to address the needs of students who want or need to do summer coursework on campus but cannot commit to a traditional summer session. Given the nature and goal of May Term, instructors and students are limited to one, three-credit class. Credit/Contact Hours: To ensure that courses are scheduled for the requisite amount of time, please use the following schedule when planning: Course Credits Minutes Contact Hours 1 credit hour 747 12.45 2 credit hours 1,494 24.90 3 credit hours 2,241 37.35 Suggested Time Blocks: Summer I & II 3-credit courses meeting 5 days per week for a total of 24 class sessions: 9 a.m. – 10:40 a.m. 10:50 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 12:40 p.m. – 2:20 p.m. 2:30 p.m. – 4:10 p.m. Summer Extended 3-credit courses meeting 5 days per week for a total of 48 class sessions: 9 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. 11 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. 1 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. 3 p.m. – 3:50 p.m. You may also use evening hours. Any courses falling under Summer Accelerated (1-, 2-, and 3-week courses) or meeting fewer than five days per week should parallel the time blocks as closely as possible (e.g. select a start time from the Summer I & II table above). Courses scheduled in May Term should parallel J-Term offerings with respect to scheduling (e.g. 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m., 1-4:45 p.m., etc.). Also, remember to submit your Summer Sessions textbook orders to the campus bookstore. Students will be able to register for Summer Sessions courses beginning in late February. Time-shortened Course Policy: “Severely time-shortened courses shall require the review and approval of the Department/Program Curriculum Committee, the Department Chair/Program Coordinator, and the appropriate Dean prior to being taught. This process will include a side-by-side examination of syllabi for the course in its 15-week and proposed time-shortened formats. Once a course is approved for a severely time-shortened format, the Dean will notify the Coordinator of J-Term and the Senate’s Academic Affairs Committee.” Online Courses: To help ensure a positive, meaningful online experience for everyone involved, faculty interested in offering online courses should first obtain the department chair’s approval and then complete the Online Course Approval Process. This process is outlined at Please contact Lisa Melohusky, Online Learning Coordinator, at, for more information. If you have any questions about Summer Sessions, please contact me. Thanks for your assistance and participation! |