Be careful of using images in email as the sole means of conveying information. If the use of images is necessary, alternative text should also be provided to convey the information found in the image. Google Mail now has a built in mechanism to add alternative text to an image. You can add alt text by following these steps:
Add your image to your email
Select the image
Select “Edit Alt Text” directly below the image
Enter the descriptive text and click Apply
When including links in an email using the link URL or descriptive text is a better choice than using generic phrases such as “Click Here.”
Text and background
Google Mail has four text sizes, Small, Normal, Large, and Huge. Avoid using Small as that can be difficult to read. Additionally keeping the default black text on a white background, or other higher contrast combinations, should be used for better readability. Use bold or underline to denote emphasis rather than using different color text.
Formatting an email signature block to be accessible
To format your email signature (sig) so that it remains accessible, please follow these steps: EMAIL: How to format your email signature with the Fredonia Logo