Why is SUNY Fredonia requiring this TRP?
SUNY Fredonia is committed to securing and protecting the information within its possession. The University is comprised of a growing number of students, faculty, and staff with disabilities that may impact the ways in which they access and successfully use electronic information. This growth comes at a time when essential information and services critical to student application and registration, academic course and program completion, employee hiring and evaluation, and more, are increasingly delivered via electronic means. The purpose of the Technology Request Process (TRP) is to gather information for technology requests to be compliant with the SUNY's security, accessibility, and procurement policies as well as ensure the campus can provide adequate support for the given technology. (SUNY Compliance Requirements: SUNY Information Security Policy: 6900, SUNY Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Policy: 6901, Information Security Guidelines: Campus Programs & Preserving Confidentiality: 6608.)
What types of requests need to go through the TRP?
ALL new AND existing software, online subscriptions, licensing, multi-year contracts/agreements, and hardware (technology) requests MUST follow the TRP.
NOTE: Hardware technology can be defined as any equipment that connects to the Internet or a computer or stores data.
How often does my technology need to be reviewed?
At a minimum annually all technology needs to go through the TRP. The reason all technology procurements or free software need to be reviewed at a minimum annually is that technology can change versions, the type of data used, and terms of use throughout a given year.
What does technology include?
Technology includes, but is not limited to, information resources such as the internet and intranet websites, content delivered in digital form, search engines, and databases, online news subscriptions, maintenance contracts for technology, library digital resources, learning management systems, classroom technologies; web, computer, and mobile-based applications allowing for interaction between software and users; and services employing information technology and telecommunications equipment.
Does my "free" software need to go through the TRP?
Yes, all free software that uses University-owned systems or data must go through the TRP. The University must complete a support, security, accessibility, and terms/conditions review of all free software before it is used on University-owned systems or before it uses University-owned data.
What is the TRP?
Step 1: Please request from the vendor the following information-
- a quote with the companies name, address, point of contact, item description, NYS OGS/SUNY/Other SUNY Local Contract number (if applicable), and term dates
- copy of the software contract, multi-year agreement, Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs), or EULA (End User License Agreement) for this step of the TRP review. Please contact the vendor directly to obtain either a PDF or WORD version of their contract, master service agreement, or End User License Agreement (EULA) to be uploaded with the Technology Request Form.
- VPAT - Voluntary Product Accessibility Template. Please use sample emails for requesting a VPAT and requesting documentation if a vendor does not have a VPAT.
- confirm the risk category for the University data that you are requesting to be used with this solution
- Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Tool (HECVAT)
- SOC2 Type 2 report - for cloud-hosted solutions only
Step 2: Submit a Technology Request and FREDMart Requisition - Customer completes the Technology Request Form and FREDMart Requisition. Upon submitting the TRP form, a Tracker ticket is created to initiate the review of the request. All other non-technology contracts and licenses should be sent directly to Contract Review.
Please review Tying FREDmart and Tracker Together.
Step 3: Technology Compatibility and Support Review - The ITS Service Center (ITS SC) performs a technical, compatibility, and solutions analysis to ensure the software is compatible and can be supported within the existing Fredonia computing environment or recommends/determines if similar software already exists. The ITS Service Center will also check with the ITS Enterprise Infrastructure Services department to determine if there are any support or technical concerns with the software installation. The ITSSC also identifies what ITS resources are required to provide ongoing support.
Step 4: Service or Project Review - The Chief Information Officer (CIO) performs a review to determine if the request is a standard request or if it is a project. If it is a project, an ITS project manager will be assigned and a project charter will be developed with the requestor.
Step 5: Information Security Review - The Information Security Office (“ISO) performs an Information Security risk assessment using SUNY standards to ensure that the software is secure and meets regulatory requirements. If the request is funded by the Research Foundation, the ISO will add the Interim Director, Grants & Sponsored Programs to the ticket as a participant. All software that uses university-regulated data must be approved by the Information Security Officer or designee. All software requestors need to provide the following:
- Utilizing the data risk category definitions and examples provided in the Data Risk Classification Policy found here: Data Risk Classification Policy, please confirm the risk category for the University data that you are requesting to be used with this solution.
- In accordance with SUNY Procurement Policy, a Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Tool (HECVAT) is required. In the event of engaging with any cloud vendor, the HECVAT Lite or Full version must be completed by the vendor. In cases where Category II Private (e.g. Title IV or FERPA) or Category III Restricted data (e.g. PHI, Social Security Numbers, Credit Card Information, etc) are being stored, transmitted, or processed via the vendor, the full HECVAT must be provided by the vendor. If the vendor is supplying software that is designed to run on SUNY Fredonia’s local computing infrastructure (network, database, desktops/laptops, etc…) or is running a purpose-built application (often referred to as an agent) in conjunction with a piece of hardware then a HECVAT On-Premise is required.
- In accordance with SUNY Procurement Policy, a 3rd Party attestation of security practices is required. Currently, the preferred response is that the vendor provides an SSAE16/18 SOC 2 Type 2 report. If a SOC2 Type 2 report is not available a suitable substitute may be provided at the discretion of the SUNY Fredonia Chief Information Officer and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). At this time, it has been determined that both an ISO 27001 or a FedRAMP certification along with the detailed certificate review findings related to security controls are suitable substitutes for a SOC2 Type 2 report. The primary goal is for the vendor to provide an audit of their security practices from a 3rd party that attests to their overall security practices.
If you have questions regarding this documentation, please contact the Information Security Office at Fredonia ISO.
Step 6: Electronic Accessibility Technology Review - In accordance with SUNY EIT Accessibility Policy, the Academic and Collaborative Technology (ACT) Office performs a review for EIT accessibility. This includes the review of documentation verifying EIT accessibility conformance (VPAT - Voluntary Product Accessibility Template), reviewing accessibility roadmaps, and evaluating high-impact EIT products. Documentation verifying EIT accessibility conformance is required. If you have questions regarding this documentation, please contact the Academic and Collaborative Technology Office. After the EIT Accessibility review has been completed, the Tracker ticket will be reviewed by the CIO or designee before being forwarded on to the Contract Services department.
Step 7: Software Terms and Conditions Review: The Contract Services department will conduct a review of the terms and conditions of all contracts to ensure that standard NYS contract terms are applied (e.g. Appendix A: Standard Clauses for New York State Contracts). The Contract Services will need a copy of the software contract, multi-year agreement, Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs), or EULA (End User License Agreement) for this step of the TRP review.
Step 8: Procurement Processing: Contract Services will update the Tracker ticket and include documentation illustrating the TofC / TofU was successfully negotiated (e.g. signed contract). Using FREDmart, the Purchasing Department creates the Purchase Order (PO) from approvals found within Tracker and sends it to the vendor.
Step 9: Software Installation and License Registration: The ITS SC or designated ITS department (defined within the project charter and/or Tracker Ticket) receives and installs, configures, or integrates software and then notifies the customer. Please ensure that you complete the Receiving for your procurement in FREDmart as well.
NOTE: All Software licenses need to be registered using the ITS Service Center email account (not in the name of an employee or another department etc.).
Additional Information
- All technology requests or renewals must follow this process regardless of the type of funding (State vs. Non-state, AER, etc.).
- All Research Foundation-funded technology purchasing needs to utilize the Technology Request Form and the above applicable steps will need to be completed.
- Software or Software as a Service (SaaS) cannot be purchased via a state-issued procurement card and must be purchased via a state-issued Purchase Order.
- This Technology Request Process can take from 3 to 6 months to complete.
Additional Resources:
Fredonia ITS Procurement Standards
How do I request a VPAT and what do I do if a vendor doesn't have a VPAT?
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