How do I grade student submissions in an Assignment (drop box)?
Step-by-step guide
After the students have submitted, enter the Assignment and click the “View/grade all submissions” link.
Grading Assignments Individually
- After pressing “View/grade all submissions,"
Click the pencil icon in the Grade column to open the submission.
- Enter in a grade and any necessary feedback. Both of these items will appear in the Assignment and the gradebook.
- If the feedback includes an edited file, attach that file in the “Feedback files” area.
- Press the “Save changes” or “Save and show next” to save the grade.
Download All of the Submissions
- After pressing “View/grade all submissions,”
- Choose “Download all submissions” from the Grading Action drop down menu.
The files will be downloaded in a zip folder.
- A grading worksheet can be downloaded and opened in Excel. Grades and feedback can be added to the spreadsheet and then uploaded. Directions on using this feature are available at
- After downloading a zip of multiple files, commented files can then be uploaded back into OnCourse. This feature is called “Upload multiple feedback files in a zip.” Directions for using this process are available on
- Directions for grading in an Assignment for Moodle 3.0 can be found at
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