Showing or Hiding the Gradebook in OnCourse

My students can’t see the grades I have posted in my gradebook. How do I turn the gradebook on?

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log on to OnCourse.
  2. Access the course through the Courses block.
  3. On the main course page locate the green gear icon on the upper right hand side of the page.
  4. Click on the drop-down menu and select the Edit Settings link.

    From the drop-down menu, click on the Edit Settings link

  5. Locate and expand the Appearance section.
  6. In the Appearance section change the “Show gradebook to students” drop down menu to Yes for students to view the gradebook.
  7. At the bottom of the page press the “Save and display” button.


  • Want to make sure it worked? Try turning on "Student View" and check for the "Grades" link. Directions for student view can be found here: Viewing OnCourse as a Student
  • To hide the gradebook while entering grades or making changes follow the above steps but set the “Show gradebook to students” menu to No.

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