\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
Section 6.1: Making Links
When creating links, it is very important that they are easy to identify and are not URLs. To make them visible for readers with disabilities, have the link stand out a little. A good way to make the link stand out is by underlining the link, and maybe changing the color. To make these changes,
Copy a URL into Google Slides.
Right-Click the URL and click Link.
You will see the link appear and the text will be blue and underlined. Now right click the link and click Edit Link.
In the pop-up box, go to the first text box and type in a name for your link. In our example, we have a link to the YouTube HomePage, so we have YouTube HomePage as our link text.
The link has been changed to its new name.
Rules to follow when creating links
Rule 1: Always include meaningful text.
This link only has a URL, and no meaningful text to tell the reader where the link will take them.
This link displays meaningful text. It is easy for anyone to read it and know what will happen if they click it.
Rule 2: Do not include words like “Click Here” or “This Link”.
This link may look fine, but if someone was navigating just by links, there would not be any context for what the link is for.
This link explains exactly where the link will take a person if clicked. In addition, it makes sense even out of context.
Rule 3: The full hyperlink should be included in the document.
This link does not have a URL hyperlink.
The full URL hyperlink has been included.
Rule 4: Be sure that the link text is not redundant.
These links are very redundant and repeat the same “link to” over and over. Readers do not need this in links.
Every link has a different name.
Section 6.2: Are Links to Other Slides Accessible?
Linking from one slide to another should be avoided. However, there is an exception is if you are presenting the slide show yourself and know the way through the slides.