Navigating a Course in OnCourse
Navigating a Course in OnCourse
How do you navigate - and assist navigation - in an OnCourse course?
Step-by-step guide
- Log in to OnCourse using these directions: Logging in to OnCourse with eServices
- Access your course through the "Courses" block seen here: Accessing Courses in OnCourse
- The following are typical components in a course:
- The primary content is in the middle “column” or area of the page. This content may be divided into sections or folders. In some cases, there may be links to other “pages” on the site.
- Each section holds information and interactive tools.
- There is a column on the right containing blocks. Each block has a title describing the type of content held in the block.
- The "News Forum" at the top of the page is used as an announcement board for the course. Any announcement made in this News Forum will also be emailed to each registered student.
- The primary content is in the middle “column” or area of the page. This content may be divided into sections or folders. In some cases, there may be links to other “pages” on the site.
- Explore the breadcrumb trail. Breadcrumbs appear horizontally across the top of your OnCourse course view, below the title bar/header.
- The Breadcrumb:
- Is automatically generated, based on how the course is laid out and the user’s navigation.
- Gives users a way to track their location and follow back to the starting or entry point.
- Are links to each previous page the user navigated through to get to the current page or - in OnCourse - where the current page is, in relation to its “parent” pages.
- Is automatically generated, based on how the course is laid out and the user’s navigation.
- The bar on the left side of the course contains links to Participants and Grades and other items within the course, and links to other courses.
- Notice the hamburger icon at the top of the left side bar. Clicking on this icon opens and closes the left side bar. Closing it allocates more space around course content.
- Although there will be similarity in many course layouts, each will also vary, including (a) location and types of blocks; (b) topic vs. date format; (c) folder or topic layout; (d) use of various OnCourse tools.
- Some courses will have special content in the right-margin blocks, but most courses will use the main/middle area to hold most content and activities.
Pay attention to messages that you get about navigating your courses. In addition, use any built-in cues about getting around (e.g., images, labels).
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