WEB: How to print a Degree Map with sides 1 & 2

WEB: How to print a Degree Map with sides 1 & 2

Steps to print out Side 1 of a Degree Map:

You do not need to be logged into Drupal to do the following steps. 

  1. Using the Google Chrome web browser, open the Programs & Majors page.

  2. Visit a corresponding Program page and click the "View Example 4-Year Curriculum" button link.

    View Full Curriculum
  3. On the Degree Map web page choose File > Print from the browser menu.

  4. Under File > Print > More Settings:

    1. Uncheck the "Headers and Footers"

    2. Check the "Background Graphics"

      Printing a Degree Map
      Printing a Degree Map
  5. Print out the number of copies you need. We recommend printing a few extra for Step #6, below.

    Steps to print out Side 2 of a Degree Map:

  6. Download the appropriate Degree Map Side 2 from this list of PDFs: 

    1. Click on a Degree Map Side 2 PDF file in the list, then choose Download.


  7. Reload your office printer with the paper from the previously printed Side 1 Degree Map papers from steps 1-4.

    1. Be sure to test the paper orientation of Side 1 and Side 2, using an extra Side 1 test page, before printing the whole batch of Degree Map Side 2s.

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