Chromebook Loaner Program

Chromebook Loaner Program

I don't have a computer, is it possible to borrow one? 

The ITS Service Center at Fredonia does offer a Chromebook loaner program for students that require accommodations. In order to gain access to a Chromebook for the semester, simply put in a request to Tracker from your Fredonia email account with your reasoning for the request.

Once we receive your request, we will evaluate your need and reach out to you with a decision. If approved, you can pick up the Chromebook from the ITS Service Center during our normal hours of operation. The loan will be for the entire semester and will need to be checked back in at the end of the semester to be cleaned and evaluated. If you require the loan for a longer period, we will still need to see the machine at the end of the semester to make sure it is in proper working order.


How?: Email Tracker with reasoning

Duration of Loan?: Semester long

Where is the pickup location? ITS Service Center in Thompson W203

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