What Software is Available to Students, Faculty, and Staff?

What Software is Available to Students, Faculty, and Staff?

Microsoft Officehttps://portal.office.com
  1. If not already logged in, enter your Fredonia Email and sign in as normal for standard eServices.
    1. This is only available for currently enrolled students and active faculty/staff.
  2. Once logged in, click the drop down labelled "Install and more" in the upper righthand corner.
  3. Select "Install Microsoft 365 apps"
  1. Your professor would need to request access for your class first.
  2. You can access the website from the link to the left, then click "my account" and login.
  3. Once logged in, you should see a download section.
Mathematica (Faculty/Staff)https://tinyurl.com/MathematicaFacultyStaff
  1. Go to the link and click Continue
  2. Select "Download: Send it to me at the email address I specify" and the platform you want it on and click Continue
  3. Fill out the form and provide proof of eligibility
  4. You will be emailed further instructions
Mathematica (Students)https://user.wolfram.com/portal/requestAK/b35528ebe0bc4eb8ffb092b562ec43581a4ad76e
  1. Go to the link and create or sign into your account
  2. Fill out the proper information
  3. You will be emailed further instructions
Read & Write by Text Helphttps://www.texthelp.com/en-us/products/read-write/read-write-for-education/
  1. Click the “Try Read & Write” button
  2. Select your Operating System from the list
  3. Download and install the software
  4. Log in using your Fredonia email address and password

As software becomes available for students, faculty, and staff, this list will be updated.

For any questions, please contact the ITS Service Center at:

Phone: (716) 673-3407
Email: Tracker@fredonia.edu
Website: www.fredonia.edu/tracker

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