Adobe Products at SUNY Fredonia

Adobe Products at SUNY Fredonia


SUNY’s contract with Adobe allows for greater usage of Adobe products on our campus.

Licensing and Installation


SUNY Fredonia offers Adobe Express to all active students, staff and faculty, at no charge to the user.

SUNY Fredonia students can purchase Adobe Creative Cloud for an annual cost of $75 (plus tax). For more information, read further on this page.

SUNY Fredonia faculty and staff can request access to Adobe Creative Cloud and Acrobat DC (Pro). As the campus does not have enough licenses to cover the entire faculty/staff population, business need might be weighed in determining access.

To continue using Adobe products that require a license, once a student graduates or otherwise leaves SUNY Fredonia, users must purchase a standard retail license.

Concurrent Activations of Adobe License

Adobe limits concurrent activation of Adobe Creative Cloud on two computers at a time. Creative Cloud software can be installed on as many computers at the same time, but you would have to log out of Creative Cloud on a previous computer prior to activating on a new one. More information can be found on Adobe’s documentation about concurrent activations.

Student Purchasing of Creative Cloud through SUNY

Before you purchase Creative Cloud through SUNY as a student, please make sure to read the Frequently asked questions about Student purchasing.

Once you are ready, you can follow the Adobe Creative Cloud Student Purchasing Walkthrough.

Install Creative Cloud / Acrobat DC Software

Campus Owned Computers

Submit a request for Adobe Creative Cloud to be installed by email Tracker@fredonia.edu to start the process. As part of your email, please include your eServices username and the computer name where the software should be installed.

Once the Creative Cloud Desktop App has been installed, you will log into the app with your eService credentials and will be able to install and update any components for which you are currently licensed.

Personal Computer

Download Adobe Creative Cloud from the Adobe download page.

Once downloaded, run the installer and wait for it to complete. Once installed, you will log in with your eServices credentials and will be able to install any component for which you are currently licensed. Since this is not a managed installer, you might need to provide administrator credentials any time you install or update software.

Creative Cloud in Labs

Adobe Creative Cloud is installed in all campus labs. The version that is installed is a Shared Device License. This will still require users to log in with an Adobe account. All active Fredonia users do have an active Adobe account tied to their eServices. If while logging in, it asks if you want to user a Work or School account, please make sure to select this option, as we have had issues with Fredonia accounts that have dual purpose and not selecting that option while logging in.

Further Help

Getting Up and Running

Creative Cloud User Guide will provide you with an overview of leveraging everything offered within Creative Cloud.

Creative Cloud Tutorials can provide you with more in depth ways to learn to leverage the software.


Students should contact the ITS Service Center by calling 716-673-3407 or by emailing Tracker@fredonia.edu. As logging in utilizes your SUNY Fredonia eService credentials, any log in issues might be resolved with a standard password reset.

For all other issues, the Adobe ETLA campus contact should submit a TDX ticket with ITEC, on behalf of the student.