Wireless Printing

Wireless Printing

How can I print from my laptop?

  1. Go to PaperCut

  2. At the login screen, enter your e-services Username and Password.

    The log in screen for Paper Cut with a big green log in button.
  3. At the Print Accounting screen, click on Web Print at the left of the page.

    The Print Accounting screen with Web Print as the fifth option.
  4. From the Web Print page, click on Submit a Job at the left of the page.

    A green button that says Submit a Job
  5. At the next Web Print page, select a printer to print to, then click on Print Options and Account Selection.

    Web Print Page.png
    The green Print Options and Account Selection Button
  6. At the next screen, choose how many copies you would like to print. (There is a 49 page limit per any print job.) Then, click on Upload Document

    The Copies box in Paper Cut with 1 copy inside the box.
    The green Upload Documents button
  7. At the next screen, click on Upload from Computer to select the PDF document you wish to print, then click on Upload & Complete.

    The upload from computer box with instructions to drag files to the box.
    The green Upload and Complete button
  8. You will then see a status page about your print job.

  9. Logout when you are finished.

Converting your document to a PDF for wireless printing

If using an application from Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), go to File, Save as, Other locations, This PC, enter the name for the document and then below that change the document type using the dropdown menu. Then hit save.

file button
blue save as button
this pc button
enter file name here
save as pdf in the dropdown list highlighted in blue

If using Pages on a Mac,

File → Export → PDF or

File → Print → PDF

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