MS Excel Chapter 13: Saving and Exporting Files

MS Excel Chapter 13: Saving and Exporting Files


Section 13.1: Saving Excel Files

  1. Check your spelling by clicking the Review Tab then click Spelling.

    Review Tab in Microsoft Excel.
    ABC Spelling Button in Microsoft Excel with a green checkmark.
  2. Preview the print layout by clicking File > Print. View how the sheets will appear when printed.

    File Button in Excel.
  3. Set the print area by highlighting the range of cells you want printed. In the Page Layout tab, select Print Area, then Set Print Area.

    Print Button in Microsoft Excel.
    The Longest Flights in the World Table on a page ready to print.
    Longest Flights in the World Table listing the airline, flight number, Distance, and locations.
    Page Layout Tab in Microsoft Excel.
  4. Fill out the metadata/properties.

    File Button in Microsoft Excel.
  5. Give the file a clear name with no special characters.

    Info button in Microsoft Excel.
    Properties Dropdown menu in Excel.
    Table Properties with title saying The Longest Flights in the World. Subject, Travel, Author, Dan LaGrow.

Section 13.2: Exporting Excel Files as a PDF

  1. Save your file.

    File Button in Microsoft Excel.
  2. Click File, Save As, and choose a location for saving.

    Save As button in Microsoft Excel.
  3. In the “Save as type” drop-down menu, select PDF. Below this, you will have to fill out the fields for Authors, Tags, Title, and Subject.

    Save As Type section with Author, Daniel LaGrow. Tags, Add a Tag. Title, Longest Flights.
  4. Click the Options button. Specify the Page Range, and Publish What sections as needed. Under Include non-printing information, check “Document properties” and “Document structure tags for accessibility”.

    Options button in Microsoft Excel.
    Options box open with Document Properties and structure tags for accessibility checked.
  5. Hit OK.

Most of the document should be correctly tagged, including table structure and link tagging. However, you will likely need to go in and do some manual touch-ups. Automatic tagging is not perfect and (for now, at least) always requires manual checking.

Section 13.3: Exporting an Excel File as HTML

  1. Save your file.

    File tab in Microsoft Excel.
  2. Click File, Save As, and choose a location for saving.

    Save As button in Microsoft Excel.
  3. In the “Save As Type” dropdown menu, select Web Page or Single File Web Page.

    Save As Type. File Name Longest Flights in the World. Save as Type Web Page.

Section 13.4: Exporting Excel Files as a CSV File

Overview: A CSV file is a Comma Separated Values file that stores data in a basic table structured format. The values are separated by commas, hence the name. It does not store any type of formatting and can only contain a single sheet. CSV files are compatible across all spreadsheet programs and can also be created and opened with any text editor.

  1. To save as a CSV file, click File, Save As.

    File button in Microsoft Excel.
  2. Choose the location for saving.

    Save As button in Microsoft Excel.
  3. From the drop-down menu for "Save as type," select CSV.

    Save as Type. File Name Longest Flights in the World. Save As Type CSV (Comma Delimited).

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