Google Slides Chapter 4: Reading Order


Section 4.1: How to Organize a Slide

When organizing a slide, it is always best to have a reading order that is easy to follow and read. A good example is to have the title at the top or near the top of the slide. Underneath it is the text itself. Then under the text or next to it is the photo or video.

A slide with an accessible reading order. A title is at the top, the body text is under the title. A photo is next to the body text.

Section 4.2: Arranging the Reading Order

When you establish your reading order, you need to arrange all of the contents of the slide into layers. The title should always be read first. After the title, the content, data, or text in the slide should be read. Finally, the video or picture's alt text should be read. To arrange your reading order,

  1. Select your Title box and go to the Arrange Tab.

    The Arrange Tab in Google Slides
  2. In the dropdown menu, click Order, then Bring to Front.

  3. Now your title text box is in the front. Next, repeat the process for your text and photos or videos. But instead of clicking Bring to Front, send the text backward, and send the photo or video to the back. The reading order should now be Title, Text, Photo or Video.

  4. To check your slides reading order, click on the Tools Tab. Then click on Accessibility.

  5. The Accessibility Settings Menu will be open. Check Turn on Screen Reader Support. Now you can check your reading order by pressing the Tab Key.

Section 4.3: Multiple Slides with Similar Content

If you have multiple slides with similar content, you need to add a piece of text indicating that the subject will show up over multiple slides. This is helpful for students with screen readers because the screen reader will read the title of slide, but the reader wont know if the slide has changed. It is recommended to have the name of your title in the slide, then Part 1 or Part 2 or whatever number is needed.

This slide lacks the indicator needed for a screen reader to inform the reader that there are slides that cover the same topic with more information.

Our slide shows (Part 1 of 3) in the title. This shows the reader that the title will be used again, and the themes will be the same, but there will be more content to learn in the next couple of slides.

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