1Password Two-Factor Authentication

1Password Two-Factor Authentication

Before you can use two-factor authentication with your 1Password account, you’ll need to install an authenticator app on your mobile device (i.e. Authy, Microsoft Authenticator, Okta Verify) and/or have a security key (i.e. Yubikey or Titan) available.

The first time you Sign in to your account on 1Password, you will see the screen below.

Authenticator setup screen with the option to set up the app or add a security key

To add an authenticator app

  1. Download any authenticator app and add an account.

  2. Click Set Up App. You’ll see a square barcode (QR code).

    1. To save a backup of your two-factor authentication code, write down the 16-character secret next to the QR code and store it somewhere safe, like with your 1Password Emergency Kit.

      QR code used to scan and set up the authenticator
  3. On your mobile device, open your authenticator app and use it to scan the QR code. After you scan the QR code, you’ll see a six-digit authentication code.

  4. On 1Password.com, click Next. Enter the six-digit authentication code, then click Confirm.

    Authenticator setup screen showing the successful registration of the app

To add a Security Key

  1. Click Add a Security Key.

  2. Enter a name for your security key and click Next.

    1. If 1Password asks you to save a passkey, click the key button.

  3. Insert your security key into the USB port on your computer.

    1. If Windows Security asks you to create a PIN, enter one and click OK. Your PIN is stored locally on your security key.

  4. Touch the sensor on your security key.

  5. When you see “Your security key was successfully registered”, click Done.

    Security Key setup screen showing the successful registration of a security key
  6. From now on, you can use your security key the first time you sign in to your 1Password account on a new device.

To manage your 2FA options

  1. Sign in to your account on 1Password.

  2. Click your name in the top right and choose My Profile.

  3. Click More Actions > Manage Two-Factor Authentication.

Note: You can only add one authenticator app, this option will not be available if you already added an app.

More Actions Dropdown with options to manage two factor authentication, change language, and change email preferences.


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