No officer or member of the University community has the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the University, or any program, department or division of the University, in the absence of a formal written delegation of authority. This applies to all members of the University community.
Any contract or agreement that originates in a department must first have the approval of the area supervisor/department chair for accuracy and budget availability before being submitted to University Services or Purchasing for review and authorized University signature.
Any other University employee who signs a contract or agreement may be held personally responsible for its performance (payment, liability, etc.). Any contract executed by an employee without express prior authorization is not valid or binding at The State University of New York at Fredonia. Employees place themselves at potentially great financial risk by entering into such agreements, written or oral, on behalf of the University without express prior written authorization.
Please direct any questions to Terry Tzitzis in University Services at ext. 3257, or Shari Miller in Purchasing at ext. 3438.