In compliance with International Fire Code Section 403.12.3 The State University of New York at Fredonia will implement the following Crowd Manager Plan for all events and gatherings exceeding 1,000 persons and for smaller events where deemed appropriate by the fire code official. The 1,000 person threshold shall include both audience and performers.

Crowd Control – The act of restricting crowd movement, at times by means of barricades, and working to manage crowd behavior. Addressing unruly individuals and other security concerns.
Crowd Management – The act of assisting individuals within a crowd in the case of emergency. Working to aid movement. Crowd Manager – An individual tasked with performing duties outlined in this plan.
Event Coordinator – The individual planning the event at which crowd managers will be required. This person is responsible for contacting the Program Leader to arrange crowd managers.
Lead Crowd Manager – The crowd manager tasked with coordinating all crowd managers at a given event. This person should be faculty or staff, not a student, for significant events such as commencement.
Means of Egress – A continuous and unobstructed path of vertical and horizontal egress travel from any occupied portion of a building or structure to a public way.
Program Leader – The individual responsible for implementing the program and fulfilling the daily responsibilities of the program including coordinating appropriate training certification, assigning crowd managers to event leaders, maintaining a current list of available crowd managers, coordinating necessary purchases of materials, conducting after action reviews as necessary, etc.
Public Way – A street, alley or other parcel of land open to the outside air leading to a street.
Role Assignments
Program Leader – Chief of University Police (x3333), Director of Environmental Health & Safety & Sustainability (x3796)
Lead Crowd Manager – Fire Systems Coordinator, Environmental Health & Safety & Sustainability (x3796)
Crowd Manager Requirements
Crowd Managers are required by code to be trained. All individuals who wish to act as a crowd manager must complete the Crowd Manager Training prior to participating in the program. Crowd Managers should always be professional in appearance and demeanor and possess the ability to remain calm in stressful situations. Students may be utilized as crowd managers.
Crowd Manager Responsibilities
- Conduct an inspection of the area of responsibility and identify and address any egress barriers.
- Crowd managers should review egress pathways both prior to and during events to ensure that doorways, hallways and outdoor sidewalks are clear and unobstructed. And obstructions or barriers should be removed immediately.
- Conduct an inspection of the area of responsibility to identify and mitigate any fire hazards.
- Crowd managers should review the area for accumulation of combustible materials such as cardboard boxes, waste/trash accumulation, and snow/ice that may create a fire hazard or impede egress to the public way. Hazards should be noted to the appropriate campus personnel for immediate correction.
- Verify compliance with all permit conditions, including those governing pyrotechnics and other special effects.
- The lead crowd manager should verify with the event coordinator prior to the event that all applicable permits are in order including but not limited to pyrotechnic and tent permits.
- Direct and assist the event attendees in evacuation during an emergency.
- Crowd managers should direct attendees toward the nearest exit, and provide an escort if necessary and safe to do so.
- Assist emergency response personnel where requested.
- The crowd manager’s responsibility is to assist attendees in evacuation. Other campus and community units such as University Police and Fredonia Fire are available to address the emergency itself. Should they require assistance, crowd managers are available after evacuation is complete to assist as directed.
- Other duties as required by the fire code official or specified in the fire safety plan.
- Crowd Managers should familiarize themselves with the event venue prior to the event, noting exit pathways, what emergency power systems are in place, what emergency voice communication systems are available, life safety systems and their locations, the location of the fire panel and key, etc. Additionally, the lead crowd manager should verify that all communication devices are functional and that the number of occupants has not exceeded the venue limits and that an appropriate number of crowd managers are in place. At events were University Police is also present, the lead crowd manager should also identify themselves to the lead University Police officer and establish a means of communication.
- It is important to note that crowd control is not a responsibility of crowd managers. Any disturbances or unruly behavior should be handled by University Police.
Methods of Fulfilling Responsibilities
- Crowd managers may utilize radios to communicate with one another. These radios are for appropriate and necessary communication only and should not be utilized for casual conversation.
- Crowd managers may utilize badges, nametags, labeled shirts, or brightly-colored vests to identify themselves to attendees.
- Crowd managers may utilize handheld counters to track the number of attendees entering the venue.
- The lead crowd manager may utilize the attached checklist for pre-event inspections as well as routine inspections during the duration of the event.
Crowd Manager Checklist
| All applicable permits are in place |
| Communication devices are in working order |
| Lead crowd manager has identified themselves to University Police (if applicable) and established communication |
| Emergency Voice Communication methods identified and functional |
| Fire Alarm Panel – no trouble/supervisory signals |
| All exit pathways have been identified. Manager is familiar with the venue. |
| Means of Egress are unobstructed. |
| Means of Egress remain clear and unobstructed |
| Exit doors remain unlocked |
| Exit Pathways outside exit doors remain clear |
| Occupant count has not exceeded maximum limits |