Meeting Accessibility Requirements for Websites Hosted Off-Campus

Meeting Accessibility Requirements for Websites Hosted Off-Campus

Why: All campus websites must comply with state SUNY Policy 6901, Federal ADA Section 508, and WCAG 2.1 AA standards. The overall intent of these policies is to provide all visitors with an “equivalent experience with equal access” to all information shared on a public website. An “equivalent experience with equal access” may mean that playing a video on the website must also offer closed captions and/or a transcript for a deaf visitor, or it may mean that the image of a graph is linked to a text description of the graph for a blind visitor.

Who: Campus staff who manage public websites that are hosted off-campus.

What: These Answers pages cover web accessibility issues for websites that are hosted off-campus. This website will continue to change with updates, so we advise “watching” (subscribing) to this space to receive notifications as the materials are updated. See Confluence Help at: Watch pages, spaces, whiteboards, and blogs | Confluence Cloud | Atlassian Support

How: Follow the model outlined in the SUNY Fredonia EIT Plan

When: The EIT Officer provides annual progress updates to SUNY System Admin for Fredonia’s accessible content.



  • Know the vendor process to identify and address accessibility issues.

  • Coordinate with the vendor to make needed changes to website that meet accessibiity standards.

  • Make content updates that meet accessibility standards and validate with tools like Siteimprove, WebAIM Evaluation Tool, and manual user testing.

  • Communicate and document the progress on providing accessible web content.