Advancement/Foundation Information Confidentiality Policy and Form

Advancement/Foundation Information Confidentiality Policy and Form


Document TitleAdvancement/Foundation Information Confidentiality Policy
Document Type
  • Bylaws
  • Policy Document
  • Procedures
  • Guidelines
  • Form
Document Owner
Contact Information
Office Name Phone Email

Approval Date

Approved by
Effective Date

Review Date/Schedule
Revision History



This policy is designed to protect the privacy of the alumni and other constituents of Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement and to maintain standards of confidentiality associated with information systems, electronic and paper records. At the same time, it is the desire of the Advancement Division to provide assistance and support to those with legitimate operating needs for information to conduct analysis and to carry out programs, communications, and events which bring together alumni, donors, faculty/staff, students and friends of Fredonia.

Information obtained from Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement is considered confidential and is to be used only to support the goals, programs and overall mission of Fredonia. In addition, information provided may not be reproduced, distributed or sold, either electronically or otherwise.

No information may be released externally for anything that may be construed as fundraising, solicitation, or marketing of any kind. Use of the information for these purposes is limited to the Fredonia Office of University Advancement for the purposes of advancing its goals and overall mission.


Employees and students working in Advancement Division offices and/or employed by Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement may be given access to the system in order to perform their jobs. Select student employees will be assigned logins and passwords in order to have the capability to update the system. This will allow the origin of changes to the system to be tracked. No logins or passwords will be provided to non-Fredonia personnel. External auditors will have access to all hard copy files, as well as the ability to review electronic files, but will not be issued logins or passwords.

All records (both hard copy and electronic) are the exclusive property of Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement. These confidential files contain specific information pertaining to those individuals and organizations important to the development and alumni efforts of the Advancement Division. Information that is not relevant to these efforts should not be placed in the files.

Restricted information** gathered by staff in their duties for Fredonia may not be viewed by persons other than those involved in development/alumni activities, or by the alumnus, and/ or donor himself/herself, and may not be given out to any other institution, organization or individual unless authorized by the Vice President for University Advancement.

A file removed from Foundation filing system must be checked out using out-cards indicating the date, file taken and the person taking the file. Files must be returned to filing system as soon as possible. No files may leave the Foundation House.

An individual may request to see his/her own file by making an appointment with the Vice President for University Advancement. It is strongly advised that the file be reviewed with the individual, so that an explanation of why the material was gathered and retained may be made if necessary. If an individual or an estate makes a request for the release of their file, a photocopy will be released and the original retained in the Foundation House.


Alumni, faculty, staff and students may request directory information* from Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement in writing, with the intended purpose clearly defined. Restricted information may be requested by Advancement personnel who have a legitimate need for the information in order to carry out tasks and/or programs, which are in accordance with the overall goals and mission of the Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement. The final decision as to the release of information will rest with the Vice President for University Advancement. The confidentiality agreement found at the end of this document must be signed in order for the request to be considered.

Vendors who contract with Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement such as direct mail firms, directory publishers, database screening firms, etc. may be provided with information on constituents in order to provide a service to Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement. A confidentiality agreement must be signed by the vendor before any information is released. The vendor must ensure the prompt and confidential return of any tapes, disks, or electronic software provided in fulfillment of the contract.

Volunteers working with the Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement staff will be provided with only that information necessary to perform their duties relative to their association with Fredonia Advancement. The University Advancement representatives responsible for directing volunteer activities must ensure that this confidentiality policy is followed. All information must be returned to the Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement or destroyed when no longer useful.

The following precautions will be taken to safeguard the privacy of those listed in the database:

If a Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement constituent requests that their directory or propriety information not be shared, they must be coded as such in the appropriate database. This information may not be provided to anyone other than the person of record or Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement personnel.

Any Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement constituent who requests not to be contacted by Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement must be coded as such in the appropriate software system and must be excluded from information provided to students and Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement personnel.

Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement staff will ascertain the reason for requests for information and must be satisfied that the response conforms to the Advancement policies before information is released.


Information from the software database may be obtained in the form of electronic lists, or printouts by authorized staff within the Fredonia College Foundation/Fredonia Office of University Advancement.


Failure to abide by this policy may result in denial of access to information contained in the electronic or paper files, verbal or written reprimand, termination of the work relationship, or other disciplinary action deemed appropriate to the offending action.

*Directory Information is defined as:

  • Full name
  • Address and telephone numbers
  • Degree information (*requests for degree verification will be referred to the Registrar’s office)
  • Employer name, address and telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • Fax numbers

** Restricted Information is defined as:

  • Student and Alumni Activities
  • Sports
  • Interests
  • Affiliations
  • Family Members
  • Degrees from other institutions
  • Gift/Pledge data
  • Miscellaneous comments, text, etc... 



  • Academic Affairs
  • Advancement
  • Financial
  • Governance
  • ITS
  • Operational
  • Personnel
  • School/College
  • Student Life

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