Migrating Files from Google Drive to Microsoft OneDrive

Migrating Files from Google Drive to Microsoft OneDrive

The following ITS Request will migrate files from Google Drive to Microsoft OneDrive without needing to first download to a local computer.

To start, make sure that you have activated your OneDrive account. This can be done by clicking the Microsoft OneDrive icon on the start menu. Another way is by logging into Microsoft with your eServices account and selecting the OneDrive Icon on the left of the screen.

To start the process, please submit a ticket requesting a transfer by emailing Fredonia Atlassian.

  • Upon receiving your request, we respond with an email and reach out about when you would like to transfer your files. Part of the reason for scheduling this is that, while you can continue to work with the contents of Google Drive, there will be a point when the migration happens and if you make changes after that point, what has copied over to OneDrive will not be the most up to date. Due to this, you might have a preferred time and day to request the migration to happen.

    • Scheduling will be during normal business hours, M-F 8 AM to 3:30 PM (ensuring enough time to start before real end of day)

  • The migration will start around the time that has been scheduled and will take a varying amount of time, based on the number of files and size of the overall migration.

  • Once complete, ITS will reach out with the logs of the transfer. On these logs, there are some key pieces of information that could be pertinent to your completion of the migration. Below are key things to know upfront, more will be described with the logs.

    • Google Forms, Drawings, and Maps will not migrate

    • Google Sites will appear to migrate but are not functional in OneDrive

    • Files that are shared with you, which you do not own, will not migrate

      • This includes Shared Drives

    • Files that are over 15 GB are not compatible with the transfer

    • Google format files will convert to the equivalent MS Office format

      • Gsheet will become .xslx

      • Gdoc will become .docx

      • Gslide will become .pptx

  • Identities have been mapped between the two services, so sharing permissions should be retained. However, depending on the situation, we cannot guarantee that all permissions will have been migrated, as we do not control mappings outside the Fredonia.edu domain. You will want to verify sharing of important files after migration.

    • Additionally, the link will be different so you will need to reshare that with all of the users by copying the link and sending it in an email.

    • Due to not using Microsoft email, notification emails do not get automatically sent to other users when you share files with them.

  • From the logs, you will be able to determine if there are any files that you might need to address manually. It is recommended to do this because there could be other failures or problems.

    • Our email after the migration discusses some other errors more in depth.

  • Once you are confident that all of your files are successfully migrated, you are free to delete the files from your Google Drive. The migration process is ultimately a copying process, so it leaves the originals completely intact until you choose to delete them.


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