REASON FOR POLICYTo establish a campus policy for Essential Services (“essential”) that relate to the health, safety and welfare of the campus. During campus emergencies (e.g.: cancellation of classes due to inclement weather, major power outage, etc.), essential personnel will be required to provide support to maintain the State University of New York at Fredonia (“Fredonia”) properties and services. POLICY STATEMENTIt is the policy of Fredonia that employees designated as essential will perform their normal and customary duties in the event of an emergency. The essential personnel will vary depending on the nature and scope of the emergency. PROCEDURES - Essential personnel are identified by the Vice President in their respective division. Employees designated as essential are communicated to the Vice President for Finance and Administration.
- Employees shall be identified as essential at the time of their initial appointment with Fredonia or as appropriate thereafter by the Department of Human Resources.
- Fredonia employees designated essential must remain on duty or report to work at or before their scheduled starting time to avoid interruption of essential services unless directed or permitted to do otherwise, by their immediate supervisor.
- The following categories provide a baseline for essential personnel needs. As indicated in the policy section, specific needs for category and quantity of essential personnel will vary depending on the specific emergency.
Category | Function(s) & Essential Positions |
University Police | - Maintain order on SUNY property.
- Ensure the safety of other essential personnel, students and visitors.
- Implement specific emergency protocols based on the type of the emergency.
- Chief of University Police, all Fredonia Police Officers and Lieutenants.
| Facilities Services , University Services & Environmental Health, Safety & Sustainability (EHS&S) | - Preserve the integrity of SUNY buildings, including, but not limited to ensuring the provision of required energy resources, attending to emergencies and performing essential maintenance.
- Preserve the integrity, safety and security of the campus buildings and grounds.
- Automotive, Central Receiving, Custodial, Electrical, Grounds/Landscaping, HVAC/R, Plumbing and Structural trades.
- Director of Facilities Services, Facilities Building Automation Systems Coordinator, Office Asst 2, Asst Director Fac Custodial Services, Asst Director Fac Capitol Projects Energy & HVAC, Director of University Services and Director of E H S & S.
| FSA | - Provide for the provision of food and water during times when essential personnel and students are present on campus.
- Executive Director, Associate Executive Director and Controller, FSA Directors, FSA Management staff, all Dining Service employees, all Commissary employees including Cleaners and all Starbucks and Tim Horton’s employees.
| Student Support Services (Health Services) | - Provide medical and psychological support to essential personnel and students that are required to be present on campus during the emergency.
- Deliver necessary services within a Scope of Practice appropriate to the type of emergency.
- College Physician, Nurse Practitioners and Nurses.
| Student Involvement & Development (Residence Life) | - Provide support, communication and direction to students that remain on campus, ensuring essential needs for shelter, food, and information are provided.
- Provide communications with parents of students as necessitated by type of emergency.
- Resident Hall Assistants, Residents Hall Directors, the Assistant, Associate and Director of Residence Life.
| Marketing & Communications | - Provide communications to the campus community, media, NY Alert and campus webpage.
- The Director of Marketing and Communications, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications, Web Content Manager, VP of University Advancement, and University Advancement Office Mgr.
| Academic Affairs | - Provost
- Provide Leadership to Academic Affairs and access to Reed Library.
- Preserve lab animals and plant species.
- Designated members of Reed Library.
| Student Involvement & Development | - Maintain operations/access to the Williams Center.
- Director and or Assistant Director.
| Enrollment & Student Services (E&SS) | - Provide leadership to E&SS division.
- VP of Enrollment & Student Services
| Finance & Administration (F&A) | - Provide leadership to F & A division.
- VP of Finance & Administration.
| President Office | - Provide overall leadership to the university and continuity of computing services.
- President, CIO, Res Tech, Security System Mgr, Mgr Enterprise Data Services, Mgr Network Design & Development, Systems Admin and Director Technology Support Services