Incubator 101 - Fredonia Technology Incubator Conference Room

Incubator 101 - Fredonia Technology Incubator Conference Room

Pictures Coming Soon



Room Details

  • Movable tables and chairs

  • Station with Extron touch panel and computer

Using the Extron Touch Panel

To enable the projector:

  1. Select Windows, Laptop (using HDMI or VGA), or Blu-Ray Player on the touch panel.
    This will turn on the projector and lower the projector screen.

  2. Make sure you log in to the computer when using "Windows".

  3. The projected image and audio can be muted.

  4. The scroll wheel on the bottom of the Extron panel controls the volume. Right to increase and left the decrease.

To shut down the Extron system:

  1. Press the "System Off" button on the bottom right.

  2. The projector will shut down and the projector screen will raise.

If you are having issue involving the projector display (ex. blurred or pixelated image, no image displayed), you can change the display resolution from your computer to display better through the projector.

To change display resolution:

For Windows:

  1. Right click the desktop and select "Display Settings" OR search under the Start Menu for "resolution" and select "Change the resolution of the display"

  2. Under "Scale and layout" and "Display resolution", change the resolution under the drop down menu.

  3. Click "Keep changes" when prompted.

For Mac:

  1. Under the Apple Menu in the upper left corner, go to System Preferences, then "Displays" and "Display Settings"

  2. Select the display (projector display) in the sidebar and do one of the following:

    1. Click the Scaled pop-up menu, then choose a scaled resolution for the display.

    2. Choose Scaled, then select the resolution you want to use.

    3. You can select “Show all resolutions” to see additional resolutions for the display.

  3. Click "Done"

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